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7.5.5 给舅舅送终 Fairwell to Uncle

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 9:30 已读 130 次  



回答: 7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-28 9:19

I sat on the stool opposite my uncle and chatted. After a few words, I felt very sleepy. I tried to open my eyes, supported the stool with both hands, and sat upright exhausted. After a while, I broke out in a sweat and became energetic again. When I came out of my uncle's house, my aunt asked me: "What did you and your uncle talk about? You were joking and laughing, but I didn't pay attention at the time." At this time, I knew that I was there to transcendently ferry my uncle, but I forgot what those sentences are, and I have completely forgotten the content of our conversation (Note 1).

Note 7.5.5-1, now that I think about it, as Eve Liu Jianjun said earlier (see 7.5.1-2 "Juristic Eye"), I am a person with multiple personalities, and my personality changes with different environments. I was very tired when my personality was changing, and the memories between personalities were not connected or connected in one direction. Modern psychology believes that people with multiple personalities have different IQ levels, different behavioral habits, facial expressions, and different oral capability when they have different personalities. This reminds me of the God Dance in shamanism, where the shaman seems to be possessed by a god. Author me believes that the essence of the weird manifestations of Sharman possession by spirits is the change of personality. So, if the Sharman's personality doesn't change, can't he (or she) cast spells? It is common for Shamans to dance and sing for a few days without the spirit coming to possess them. As a result, rituals cannot be carried out as scheduled.

Two years later, once my mom came back from my aunt's house, she asked me, "People say that you talked to your uncle a month or so before he died. After you talked to him, he changed. He's changed for the better, too good to be true! Your second sister-in-law didn't dare to stay at home by herself, telling people, 'Since that nephew of his from Shenyang came and talked to him for a while, the old man has changed, and he talks and laughs and discusses everything; and when no one is around, he is always talking to himself, comparing drawings and painting, and stealing smiles.' Is he crazy?"

Mom said, "A lot of people from North and South Tuner went to see your uncle! They were all surprised and confused! How could he have become like that! Your uncle said to everyone he met, 'I didn't think I'd get my second nephew's (i.e., author mine) Gain Remembrance (Note 2).' People said, 'I don't understand! But even if he is crazy, it's a fortune to be crazy like that! If he is happy.'"

Then Mom said, "They say you know the words sending dying people away.
When we mentioned this, your aunt cried and said, 'Little Luyan knows, but when I asked him, he wouldn't tell me.' I thought to myself, ‘people say that only those who know how to say those words are capable talkers! If I've learned it, and it would be one my advantages! ' Let's see if your aunt will still take care of you in the future!"

I replied: "That's what happened. I really forgot those few words!"
"What is it? I want to learn too." At that time, I couldn't recall it; it wasn't until 2014, when I was writing my memoirs, that I remembered the content of the conversation I gave my uncle when he died.

Note 7.5.5-2, What is Bestowing Remembrance? What is the Gain Remembrance? In the process of transcendent ferry, there is an evaluation of the life of the person being transcended. I evaluate him as a "stream-entering sage" (see 7.5.8-3). This evaluation must be objective and true. If the person being transcended is not convinced by the evaluation, then the transition will be useless. I explained it to him one by one according to the standard of "stream-entering fruit (15.2.4 "Four Off-is Fruit") which was popular in China at that time. At that time, Luyan was still a child in his eyes, so how did he come to believe in it?

Eve Liu took this issue into consideration when he told me about transcendent ferry and said: "You and your uncle haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. You are still a child in his heart. This is not okay! You should say which authority did you hear from." I told my uncle the truth: "I went to ask a graduate student at the China Medical University for advice. I just learned it." My uncle believed it as soon as he heard it and said: "It's not surprising that there are a few living Buddhas in the old city of Shenyang! Only your classmate, the kind of person is amazing. But also, on your classmate kind of people powerful, since childhood, the family adults talk to people about this, she went in and out to listen to a sentence and a half, smoked out. Other, school out, master with apprentice out, and self-taught, are not as good as this smoked out."

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_05_03 9:35:25编辑

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