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7.5.6 圆满 Perfect Fulfillment

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 9:29 已读 160 次  



回答: 7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-28 9:19

Here are three topics based on conversations I had when I was transcendently ferrying my uncle.
My uncle said: "This one, I understand now! No gain, looks insignificant, but the truth is deep and useful. You say the next clause!"

I said to uncle: "This clause speaks of Fulfillment, I'll use the words from the book, you hear and understand the meaning. What is the fulfillment? There is no unmatched law, and you must not amend to send it away. Laws have no nature and cannot be amended or repatriated with; thus, no amendment no disharmony. The heart is immaculate and unattached; thus, it does not arouse. Cause and effect are like hallucination, thus, no fetch and no obsession. This is way one achieves perfect fulfillment quickly. The Veda said, 'There is no lesser law that match with the lesser law, but the natural law is bound to be united with itself.' Without understanding this, he will not attain perfect fulfillment, and will not arrive at the perfect world; understanding this, with a little practice he will have perfected his merit and virtue."
Uncle said: "I understand; go on, how do you see and practice?"

I said: "It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that all things have their own merits, what we should say that using their extreme place; that thing exists shows box and cover fit, reasonable and fair you have climbed up a pillar covered by blades. This is to say that everything in the world has existed for thousands of years, each with its own reasoning and virtues. When you extend this reasoning to the limit, one thing, one reason, things exist is the reasoning and effects match. When you think things make sense, you should know that you are climbing up a pillar covered with sword blades and are bound to get hurt."
Uncle said: "I hear you, but I don't get the gist of it, so give me an example of how to do it."

I said: "For example, you go to the backyard, see a barnyard grass, just look at the grass alone, do not look at the seedlings. You just think, a few days did not pay attention, you grow so big, and strong, and watery. You don't need to yell at my second brother: the grass has grown taller than the seedlings. They are just three people, not mind of these three melons and two dates. You just think, I shoveled you have shoveled 50 years, you still grow so vigorous, today I spare your life, do not pull you. You look at the beauty of this barnyard grass alone; this is one thing and one reason. When you view everything in this way, you are far from hell, advance toward heaven, and into the realm of the Buddha."

我说:“当你单单欣赏水稗草的美的时候,美的等流果(参见11.6.2节《等流果》)就会随意而聚;这就是如意(参见13.1.6-4 知足天)。如果不联想别的,世界就是美好的。一想到苗和收成,这不合理呀!美好的世界就被破坏了。”
Uncle asked: "Look at the grass but not the seedlings and look at the seedlings but not the grass. What happens then?"
I said: "When you appreciate the beauty of the barnyard grass alone, the Equal Stream Fruits of beauty (cf. 11.6.2 Equal Stream Fruit) will be gathered at will; this is “As Wish” (cf. 13.1.6-4 Contentment Sky). If one does not associate it with anything else, the world is beautiful. When one thinks of seedlings and harvests, this is unreasonable! The beautiful world is destroyed."
Uncle thought for a moment, said: "Indeed, the barnyard grass is prosperously strong and watery! I can feel it. This example is quite good! You give another example."

I said: "Look at your family's wall grass, east wind east, west wind west follows, a period of time does not rain, you think they are dead, but they grow well year after year, but also live forever."
Uncle said in amazement: "That grass lives forever?"

I said: "That grass doesn't have the annoyances of birth, getting old, illness, or dying.
They don't know about life and death, and there is no difference between life and death for themselves, so people who can talk say they live forever. You must put yourself in their shoes and take their point of view!"
Uncle said: "What's the point of that! I don't get it."

I said: "Buddhas have no birth and death, why? Because before becoming a Buddha, one is required to throw away birth and death, that is, forget about birth and death. This is all written in the sutras!"
Uncle asked: "Is this true?"

I replied: "It is true! There is this step in the cultivation process in the Buddhist scriptures: to give up the conceptual ideas and memories of birth and death; that is, to get rid of the inferior seeds of birth and death. When you see and do this, you gradually step into the realm of earthly immortality."
Uncle chattered: "That's how it is!?"

I replied: "That's how it is! People say that Buddha's Mount Sumeru (Monk's Mountain) doesn't even have hair on the heads of birds. When I looked at the sutra, that was true; the birds were vultures. The sutra says that clothes grow on trees, and that's also true! They weave robes out of cottonwood. Buddha was then good at finding beauty in real life. Why is the Buddha's land always so good? He finds beauty in things by themselves alone, without comparing them to each other. They just put themselves in the shoes of what they are looking at and think about it. This is extreme pluralism, the Buddha's worldview. Nowadays the western world is popular for diversification; it is this kind of pluralism."

Uncle asked: "Have you practiced this?"
I replied: "I have pondered and understood this, but I still have to earn money to eat and buy clothes; I can't keep letting my parents feed me; it's not yet time to enter the Wonderful Intelligence World. You are different from me, when you eat, your sons and daughters put it here for you and make offerings. You should then be free from the bitter sea, disembark, and enter the Wonderful Intelligence World."

Uncle said: "This clause is called Perfect Fulfillment. To see like this and to do like this is Perfect Fulfillment. To idealize and act according to the daily path, that is trouble without end. You speak about the next clause! Wait until later to talk about this one, isn't that what you came to tell me!"
I replied: "Yes! I'll keep talking if you want to hear it."

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_05_06 19:10:14编辑

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