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7.5.7 想去哪儿去哪儿 To Think Where to Go is Arriving There

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 9:28 已读 145 次  



回答: 7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-28 9:19

I steered the conversation by asking: "Uncle, have you ever experienced seeing ghosts, such as seeing someone who has passed away; or feeling something on your body, such as bugs or mice crawling or something?"

舅舅瞪大了眼睛,反问:“有怎么的?没有怎么的?” (注1,他在防卫自己,保护自己的隐私。)
Uncle's eyes widened and he asked rhetorically: "Any how? No how?" (Note 1, he's on the defensive, protecting his privacy.)
I replied: "Nothing! You've been sick for more than six months, and when your body becomes weak, or when you stay in a certain position for a long time, you may hallucinate. Hallucinations used to be called ghosts."

Uncle asked: "Then why? How is it caused?"
I answered: "Hallucinations, like dreams, are normal physiological phenomena; people just sometimes dream and sometimes have hallucinations."

Uncle asked: "Do hallucinations have anything to do with past experiences?"
I answered: "Hallucinations are similar to dreams, of course they don't come from nothing, so we should say that they are related to past experiences. Some people interpret dreams in a haphazard manner, while others interpret the phenomenon of hallucinations in a haphazardly connected manner, at their own peril. Hallucinations are what people used to call ghosts, what tickling ghosts, naughty ghosts, life-suppressing ghosts, whatever."

(2 鬼神境界 Realm of Ghosts and Gods)

由此,我系统地讲述触觉、听觉和视觉的幻觉现象,和处理办法(参见第12章《禅 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334676》)。

From this, I systematically describe the tactile hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, Visual Hallucinations, and how to deal with them (see Chapter 12 Meditation).

Uncle said: "I understand, when there is a hallucination, no matter what kind of feeling, no matter what kind of sound, no matter what kind of thing, it's all a hallucination, and it's all of the same nature; if you like it, you can tease it; if you don't like it, you can just drive it away like a child, and say out with sound, 'Go away!' "

I replied: "Right! The images in the hallucinations are the 'thoughts' of the mind; they are held by internal considerations. What I have just said is a localized hallucination; what about the whole? The whole world of the netherworld, i.e., the realm of hallucination, also changes with the will of your thoughts. For example, you suddenly have a thought, 'Heaven'. In the hallucination just as you think the word 'heaven', your 'Think' takes the image of heaven, and then the unconscious, by matching, generates the realm of heaven. So, you arrive in heaven."

Uncle asked: "Wherever you want to go, whatever, in any situation?"
I replied: "Exactly! The example of 'stomping on the wall and entering the painting' that I just mentioned is entering the realm of netherworld (including heaven), that is, entering that world of equality in the netherworld. When you go in, at first, it is very small there, and soon a world is generated."

Uncle asked: "And then what?"
I replied: "When you went to the other world, it was still small at first and soon a large world was generated. A world from its formation to its collapse is a great catastrophe. A great catastrophe is an eternity. There are many great catastrophes, or eternities, in the afterlife (including netherworld and heaven)."

Uncle said: "I see, the strange phenomenon I am experiencing is that this world and that world are gradually connecting; I am going to die!"
Feeling surprised at my uncle's statement, I replied: "It can be said that there is a connection between this world and the world of hallucination, but it does not mean that you are going to die. I practiced meditation when I was a child and used to go there, but I am still alive and not dead. Having hallucinatory experiences has nothing to do with death, except that the hallucinatory world is the source of people's descriptions of the world of death."

(3 痛苦吗?Is It Painful?)

Uncle asked: "It's scary and painful there, right?"

I replied: "It's very novel, not scary. When the physical sensation is gone, you can say that it is the underworld, heaven, or hell. It is not painful and very comfortable. As I said, I practiced Meditation when I was a child. I’ve been there many times and I love going there and exploring the world.”
Uncle asked: "Why are heaven and hell the same place?"

I answered: "That is the world where the karmic habits accumulated daily are spontaneous. Evil people live in riots and terror every day here. Once there, the world where their karmic habits are spontaneous is hell. Good people live peaceful and happy lives here. The world where his or her karmic habits are spontaneous is also peaceful and joyful, so people say that he or she has entered heaven.”
Uncle muttered: "That's what it is! How terrible and painful is it there?"

I answered: "It's like arriving in a new place. When I first entered, there was still the memory of the body. The body was like a shadow. Then, the body was gone. Without the body, there is no physical pain. Like you, lung cancer is very painful here. There is no physical pain, so it can be ignored."
Uncle asked: "Then why didn't you go there anymore? Didn't you practice meditation?"

我回答:“后来,我发现去那儿会产生阳寿中(即日常生活中)记忆的丢失。例如,一次,我听见我爸问我妈,‘卢岩怎么不生气了,我还以为他得生气几天呢!’我妈回答,‘可能是他又练气功了。有时候他练完气功就高兴,前后院儿跑,看哪儿哪儿新鲜,像似多天没回家了似的。’再比如,有同学对我说,‘哎,咱俩前天不是打架了吗,你怎么跟没事似的?’ 我想,‘呀,我怎么不记得了呢!’ 我就发现了,入定(幻觉状态)会造成短期记忆的遗失(幻境刷新了临时或短期记忆)。这要是我忘了两年的事,那我不得回去读小学了么!我就不练气功了。”
I answered: "Later, I discovered that going there would cause memory loss in the solar light world (that is daily life, or vessel world). For example, once, I heard my dad ask my mom, 'Why is Luyan not angry anymore? I thought he must be angry for several days.’ My mother replied, ‘Maybe he practiced meditation again. Sometimes he is happy after practicing meditation and runs around looking at everything, as if he hasn't been home for many days." For another example, a classmate said to me, ‘Hey, we had a fight the day before yesterday. Why did you act like nothing happened?’ I thought, ‘Oh, why don't I remember it?’ I discovered that the state of trance (hallucination) causes the loss of short-term memory (the hallucination refreshes the preconscious and short-term memory). If I forget this for two years, then I must go back to primary school! Then I stopped practicing meditation."

我回答:“到了那里,就感觉像似几岁的孩子。 我不是就在给你送终,送你回老家吗! 那里是神的世界,我在送你归位。”
Uncle said: "Ah! The longer you live there, the younger you become."
I replied: "When I get there, I feel like a child of several years old. Aren't I just seeing you off and sending you back to your old home? That is the world of God, and I am sending you back to your own position."

(4 如果我走错路了怎么办?What if I go the wrong way?)

Uncle exclaimed: "It's really back home! What if I go the wrong way?"
I replied: "No matter where you are, the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, the Dragon's Palace, Hell, or with the Jade Emperor, you are 'going wherever you think of simultaneously. ' Right! Eve Liu told me at the time, be careful: you don't send your uncle to the wrong place!"

The uncle asked: "How could it be sent to the wrong place?"
I answered: "Eve Liu said yes. In their hospital, there was an old lady with very special ideals. She wanted to be a maid in some nunnery in her next life. After the juristic teacher finished speaking and left, she got confused. Later, the old lady's family asked the juristic teacher if he had sent her the wrong place. The teacher said, ‘The place is not wrong. All 64 religions (including Christian and Islam) in China go to that same place, but the words or expressions are different." Christians and Muslims also are transcendently ferried in this way, just by changing their names and sending them to see God or Allah.”

Uncle asked: "Why are all religions the same?"
I answered: "Eve Liu has heard her father tell this to others since she was a child. When she was doing her postgraduate internship, she found that juristic teachers went to the hospital to transcendently ferry dying patients. She became familiar with those masters, so she asked them. She found that all the masters use these words and principles to transcend. Different religions have different expressions and terms. For example, theistic religions call the unconscious God, Buddhism calls it Buddha, and modern psychology calls it the unconscious. All are people so-called conscience.”

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_05_07 22:21:11编辑

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