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7.5.8 神通正等明 Heart Connects with Correct Equality Light

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 9:27 已读 149 次  



回答: 7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-28 9:19

Uncle asked: "What if I fall in hell?"
I replied, "In any case, to think where to go is arriving there."

My uncle said, "Or this! Even if I fall in hell, when I say heaven, I’m arriving at heaven."
I replied: "Exactly! This is the same reason that people who believe in Ometeotl Buddha think, 'When they die, say Ometeotl, and Ometeotl Buddha will come to take them to the Western World of Ultimate Bliss.' Think what you want when you want it, you will get that, and if you have a wish, it will come true immediately."

我回答:“道理是这样的。 这是心理机制原理,机器一样的前后序列事件。”
Uncle chimed in: "Are these claims all true?"
I replied: "The causes and effects are like this. It's the principle of psychological mechanisms, machine-like sequences of events before and after."
Uncle said: "I really understand this time. You say the next clause!"

2 平等 Equality

I said: "The clause is Connection with Correct Equality Light. Equality means the afterlife, or heaven, or the state of pure hallucination, is a world of equality. All those with two legs are equal, equal to those with four legs, equal to those with six legs, equal to those with many legs, equal to those with no legs, equal to the gods and buddhas of the world, equal to the birds, animals, fish, and insects; equal to the flowers, plants, and trees, and equal to the mountains, rivers, and oceans, and so on. The reason of equality is nature of unconsciousness (aka. God-sense), is “Empty After All” (see fig. 7.5.8-2)."

Uncle said: "I know, it's just all the same."
I asked: "They other juristic teachers also said this?"

Uncle replied: "They all said it; but you say yours."
I thought about "all the same" and replied: "For example, you go to the backyard, there is everything there, all equal. You can't look down on trees. In the afterlife, if you hit a rock, the rock will jump up and hit you back! All beings must be treated equally."

Surprised, uncle replied: "Ah! So, what happens when I get hit by a rock?"
I replied: "Hit badly, that world collapses down. You then go to another place, generate another world, and go from one catastrophe to another."

3 授戒 Bestowing Precept

我回答:“我小时候练气功,琢磨过这个问题,就守戒有用。在阳间(即器世间)生活中心平气和了,在那个世界(即阴间,佛教作五蕴世间,参见11.4 五蕴)里就是平和快乐的。”
Uncle asks: "Hmmm! Fighting is not good! How can I stop fighting?"
I replied: "I practiced meditation when I was a child and pondered over this question, and it is useful to keep the precepts. When you have peace of mind in this Solar Light World (daily life world, Vessel World), you are peaceful and happy in that world (i.e., God’s World, Five Nodes World; cf. 11.4 Five Nodes)."

Uncle replied: "That's what they all say, but they say it using the words of a book; you summarized it yourself. What precepts do you keep when you say yours?"

I replied: "I read a lot of Buddhist magazines when I was a kid. I agree with them about keeping the Ten Precepts. The first three, 1) do not kill, 2) do not steal, and 3) do not commit heretical sex, are constraints on physical behavior. 4) not to speak delusionally, 5) not to use flowery speech, 6) not to speak of coarse ferocious language, 7) not to two-tongue (not to sow discord among people), the four are oral precepts. 8) not being greedy, 9) not being irritated, and 10) believing in causes and fruits, the last three are to constrain the intent behaviors."

I continued: "There are many precepts, and the ‘3,000 Majesties 108,000 Enchantments (see Section 16.2)’ are calculated out from those precepts. The monks in the magazines I read say that these ten are perfectly adequate."
Uncle replied: "I see, that's fine!"

I said: "The precepts are Buddha’s (God’s) laws, commonly known as the Heavenly Clauses. The word 'correctness' of the “Correct Equality Light” is saying that the precepts are correct. The word Equality is the equality mentioned earlier. The word Light means that that world will become brighter and brighter until the Constant Silent Light Sky (i.e., Illustration 17.5.8-2, also known as Nirvana)." The ‘Correct Equality Light’ is Buddha’s (or God’s) enlightenment, is short for Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, Sanskrit as Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi.”
Uncle asked: "What will it look like in the end?"

I replied: "Buddhist sutras say that the Constant Silent Light Sky of turquoise, or yellow, or red, or white is pervasive, where subjectivity and objectivity are merged as oneness. The environment does not change, so one has no memory of it. This is the case of someone who has experienced it, comes back, and speaks from memory."
Uncle said: "I figured it was something like that, all the experiences of dead people coming back to life. Then there are those like you, who have practiced meditation, who have experienced it, and look, ah, it's so true!"

我说:“佛说,‘全世界所有人的工作,我的工作最好,佛座人人都应该坐。这正等明座位解脱力极强,你不坐不得解脱,你一坐很快就解脱了’。 这条也需要练习。”
I said: "Buddha said that I have the best job of all the people in the world, and that everyone should sit on the Buddha's seat. This seat of Correct Equality Light is extremely liberating; you can't be liberated if you don't sit on, and you're quickly liberated once you sit on. This clause also needs to be practiced."
Uncle asked: "How do I practice?"

I replied: "Just as God or Buddha, you use these clauses to transcendently ferry (to save) that table, this house, flowers, plants, trees, mountains, rivers, or gods and goddesses of mountains and lands, dragon-kings of the four seas, and so on; not transcending people, ‘should transcend those not real'."
Uncle asked: "Why should we transcend those fake and not the real ones?"

I replied: "That's what the sutras say, it's not that you necessarily can't transcend people, but that transcending those that are fake works the best."

4 授记 Bestowing Remembrance

I started to re-tell it from the beginning again. Uncle also tried to transcendently ferry me, and said, "This time I really understand, I feel as if my whole body is transparent, and all those previous discomforts all over my body are gone; of course, the lung cancer still hurts so much."

I feel surprised, so soon! Said: "I learn this from my classmate Eve Liu, she said her father said himself, 'he can make people understand like as if the whole body is transparent'."
Uncle said: "What I said is true; her father, like you said, is a living Buddha. I really believe! Shenyang is an old city; it is not strange to have a few living Buddhas."

我说:“我从佛学书上看过,等明天早上,你再回忆一遍咱俩的谈话,就算觉悟了。我认为你已经得到了入流果(参见15.2.4 四离系果)。入流是进入了圣道流,就是入门了,是小乘佛教中的第一个果位,一果圣人。我可不是瞎说。我以前在杂志上看过,他们评估证得入流果有六项条件。我跟你说的这些和那些条件是对应的,内容只多不少。这个成就可不低呀!许多和尚、尼姑忙了大半辈子,也不敢说自己证得了入流果。 这是因为,我说了,你就信了!”
I said: "I've read about it in a Buddhist book, and tomorrow morning, when you recall our conversation, you'll be enlightened. I think you have attained the Entering Stream Fruit (see 15.2.4 Four Off-is Fruits). To enter the stream is to enter the stream of the holy path, that is the first fruit sage in Hinayana Buddhism. I'm not making this up. I've read in magazines before that they assess that there are six conditions for attaining the first fruit sage. What I'm telling you corresponds to those conditions. This is not a low achievement! Many monks and nuns have been busy for most of their lives, but they don't dare to say that they have attained the Entering Stream Fruit. This is because, when I say it, you believe it!"

舅舅说:“我知道!我自己也认为明白了!咱爷俩有缘! 你不知道,这几句话我学了八年多了。你二哥给我请了六七个法师了。另外,前街的XXX,是我从小的朋友,是法师,他一个人就给我讲了十来遍了。”
Uncle said: "I know! I think I understand it myself! We are destined to be together as masters! You don't know that I've been learning these words for more than six months. Your second brother has hired six or seven juristic teachers for me. In addition, XXX on Front Street, a friend of mine since I was a child, is a juristic teacher, and he alone has taught me dozen times."

I asked: "How does my preaching compare to those juristic teachers?"
Uncle replied: "The preaching is quite good! It's better than most of those juristic teachers!"

I said excitedly: "I feel like I'm pretty smart today! I don't know what happened, but what Eve Liu told me, no more, no less, I remembered it all and used it all!"

Uncle laughed and said: "I realized that, after all, it's the first time you've given a sermon, so you're a bit nervous. I realized you didn't know what to say next, so I reminded you. You have such good qualities, when I ask, you don't even think about it, you open your mouth and answer!"
I realized and said: "I just realized how I remembered everything Eve Liu said! So, it was you who guided our conversation."

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_05_09 18:21:51编辑

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