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7.2 刘健君 Eve Liu

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 9:23 已读 127 次  



回答: 📖7 东北大学 Northeastern University 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:27

One day, I met Teacher Huang on the road. He told me that he had handed in the report on my investigation and started talking to me about Eve Liu.

Teacher Huang said: "This time I came to Northeastern University to study for my Ph.D., and I have another task, which is to find a boyfriend for Eve Liu, the daughter of our old principal. Since she went to university, we have entrusted relatives and friends to find her a boyfriend in prestigious universities across the country. We have introduced more than 100 boyfriends so far, but it just doesn't work. We are getting more and more anxious about this matter, and now it is urgent. It is not surprising that the relationship with her boyfriend has collapsed. How can we immediately introduce her a new boyfriend? Where can I find them! Now, we have experience and are preparing for her in advance. Her dad said that now she has a boyfriend, but in his opinion, this will not last long. "

注7.2-1,本《真人医学实验》(参见4.5节)是根据本书第2章的《桃花劫 》故事改编的。和那个古代故事里的桃花女一样,刘健君也相亲无数次,就是不成婚姻。
After hearing this, I was very angry: If I want to see her, I must queue up first! Who is she!
Note 7.2-1, This Real-Life Medical Experiment (see Section 4.5) is based on the Peach Flower Catastrophe in Chapter 2 of this book. Like the Peach Flower Girl in that ancient tale, Eve Liu has been on countless blind dates, but just can't get married.

7.2-2 特殊的高中 Special High School

One day, in the corridor of the dormitory, Teacher Huang saw me and said he wanted to tell me about Eve Liu. She was the eldest daughter of the old principal of the Shenyang Artillery Academy when it was founded and had been smart since childhood. When wearing crotch pants, she turned her face to come up with a new idea, a turn to play a new trick.
I asked, "What new idea?"

Teacher Huang said: "She wanted me to play with her, let me hug her ah! Once I left her up, couldn’t put her down, it's an idea for a while. At that time, his father was a division officer. I was a conscript from Sichuan. Her father was about forty years old before having her, that really like it, on top of the head for fear of falling, look in the eyes for fear of scalding, in the mouth for fear of melting. Eve Liu was lovable indeed, lively, and active, learning is also good, from kindergarten to elementary school, secondary school, university, graduate school, has been excellent grades, all are in the gifted class. She just kept on going to school until now when she is almost graduated from graduate school. Her appearance is average, not good-looking, not ugly; neither tall or short nor fat or thin. The matter of looks, personal preference is different, you have to see for yourself."

黄老师又说:“噢!对了,她的高中不是一般的高中;怎么说呢?” 黄老师说着,停下了,转身看着我。
Teacher Huang added: "Oh! Her high school isn't just any high school; how so?" Mr. Huang said, stopped, and turned to look at me.
I said: "Gifted class!"

Teacher Huang turned back around and started thinking again and said: "It's not a gifted class; it seems to be some kind of training."
I asked: "Then it's not high school she's attending?"

Teacher Huang thought for a moment and replied: "It's a high school!"
I said: "Is it a special class, some kind of directed training?"

He said: "You can say special training class too. The name of that class was special too; why can't I remember!"
I said: "It doesn't matter; now that she's almost out of graduate school, what's the point of pursuing the name of that high school training class!"

Teacher Huang insisted on thinking about it, and I said impatiently: "Don't think about it; high school doesn't matter to her anymore."
Instead, he said: "I promise you, the next time I see her parents, I'll ask about the name of that class."

A few days later, I met Teacher Huang again and he said he wanted to apologize. I listened attentively. He said that he met Eve Liu's mother yesterday and forgot to ask the name of the training class Eve Liu attended in high school.
I replied angrily: "Didn't we say last time that there was no need to ask!"
He said: "I must do what I promised."

I met him again a few days later and he again said he wanted to apologize. I listened attentively. He said that he met Eve Liu's father the day before yesterday and forgot to ask her the name of the training class she attended in high school.
I replied angrily: "Aren't you annoying! When did I ask you to ask!"

He immediately turned away and bent over. I realized I was rude and rushed over to apologize. He noticed it, turned around again, bent at 90 degrees, and ignored me.
I waited blankly for a while and then said: "Aren’t you still finished? Didn't I apologize!?"
He didn't respond. Things went on like this for a long time. He turned back me and said: “It wasn't because of you; it was because I thought of other things and couldn't hold myself back any longer.”

注7.2-2,为什么黄老师要让我知道她上了个特别的高中,却又不告诉我那个培训班的名字?答:后文刘健君也对我说起了她的高中:在中国医科大学的巴甫洛夫楼里。2014年,写回忆录时,我才注意到此事。本书4.5 节《真人医学实验的报纸新闻》中说了,这医学实验的女子组是 “集中培训” 。此事,刘团长要让我知道,却又不能让我在那时就明白;他要让我写回忆录时才能注意到,联系起来,猜到她就是那个为科学研究自愿献身的女孩儿。
Note 7.2-2, why did Teacher Huang want me to know that she went to a special high school, but didn’t tell me the name of the training class? Answer: Later in the article, Eve Liu also told me about her high school: in the Pavlov Building of Chinese Medical University. I only noticed this in 2014 when I was writing my memoirs. Section 4.5 of this book, "Newspaper News of Real-life Medical Experiments," mentioned that the female group of this medical experiment was "concentrated training." Troupe Leader Liu wanted me to know about this, but he couldn't let me understand it at that time; he wanted me to notice it when I wrote my memoirs, connect it, and guess that she was the girl who voluntarily sacrificed her life for scientific research.

7.2-3 女神的现象 The Phenomenon of Goddess

One day, the introducer, Teacher Huang, told me that Eve Liu’s parents agreed, and she was willing to meet and talk with me. Teacher Huang introduced her situation to me again, and when it came to her appearance, he said: “Hey! You’ve seen her!”
I had no memory and asked: "When did I see her?"

Teacher Huang couldn't help laughing and said: "That day she came to my place to do errands and chatted with me. You passed by the door and saw her. When she went out, you met her; it seemed that you looked back. At that time, I I'm at the door, you're not looking at me."
I remembered that it happened, but I couldn't recall her appearance, so I said, "I don't remember." He said: "It doesn't matter! Maybe you didn't pay attention."

Later, I recalled that when I went back to the dormitory to get my lunch box and passed by the door of his room, I saw a woman in his room casually facing the door, leaning back on the bed, and listening. The posture of her lower body was that of a woman in her thirties; but the top half of her, she listened sideways, she looked at the posture of a girl who must have been sixteen or seventeen years old. When she came out, we walked across from each other. I saw her, like a new and unfamiliar student, but I didn't see her clearly, as if I couldn't see her. At that time, I felt strange: Why did my eyesight become so bad! Start testing my own vision. She walked with a clicking sound. When I looked back, I saw that she was a well-trained female military officer, about 25 or 26 years old. But in my memory, there was no face, only neat outlines.

注7.2-3,回忆中,她的各个姿态动作不相配,画面破碎,合不到一起;我还以为是几个女人呢!和她交往那段时间,我发现自己回忆不出她的长相,仔细辨认,所辨认的图像总是变成没有生命的枯木、石头、腐朽的垃圾等,总觉得自己的眼睛出了毛病。在2021年,我看到了墨西哥沙门教中对皮主(Xipe Totec)与眼疾有关的描述,才明白了那是刘健君的女人皮,即五百威仪十万八千魅力(参见16.2节的离垢地),产生的现象。
Note 7.2-3, in my memory, her various postures and movements did not match together, the picture was broken and could not be put together; I thought it was several women! During the time I was dating her, I found that I couldn't recall her appearance. When I looked at her carefully in my mind, the images I recognized always turned into lifeless dead wood, stones, rotten garbage, etc. I always felt that there was something wrong with my eyes. In 2021, I saw the description of the Xipe Totec related to eye diseases in Mexican Shamanism, and then I realized that it was Eve Liu’s “woman skins”, which is “500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms” (cf. section 16.2), caused phenomena (see fig. 17.2).

↪️返回第7章《东北大学》的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 7 Northeastern University

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_01 14:11:42编辑

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