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10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leader Liu’s Will

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 1:09 已读 160 次  



回答: 📖10 宿命通 Fate Through 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:22

I suffer from gastrointestinal ulcers and have stomach pains from time to time, and always drink plenty of water to flush out irritating gastrointestinal secretions to avoid burning the surface of stomach and intestines and to unblock the miasma.

2012年夏,一次喝了大量的热水,水不很热,但喝的量大,所以胃肠被烫伤了。我试着混合凉水和热水,用手指试水温来发现合适喝的温度,发现手指有点凉的感觉才适合。这时,我忽然想起了崔凤龙姨父,在1991年给我留遗言时对我说的话: “记住!温水,手指的感觉有点儿凉是适合喝的温度(参见4.10节《遗嘱》)。” 这时,我意识到了那是刘团长留给我的遗嘱。
In the summer of 2012, I drank a large amount of hot water at one time, the water wasn't very hot, but I drank a large amount, so my stomach and intestines were scalded. I tried mixing cool and hot water, testing the temperature of the water with my fingers to discover the right temperature to drink, and found that a little cold feeling in my fingers was suitable. At this point, I suddenly remembered what Uncle Dragon said to me when he left me his last words in 1991: "Remember! Warm water that feels a little cool to the fingers is the right temperature to drink (see section 4.10 Wills)." At that point, I realized that was the will that Troup Leader Liu had left me.

The will’s first clause is: a person who suffers thirsty sickness always keeps drinking water. I had heard that the stomach and intestines are the most emotional organs, and that gastrointestinal ulcers are associated with emotional trauma. I realized that Troupe Leader Liu had systematically set me up, and this was the proof. I was so angry that I was dizzy. After that, I was often angry when I drank water, remembering the meticulous care that Troupe Leader Liu had given me.

I always suspected that Eve Liu was behind it, and that she was continuing her father's reincarnation experiments. I don't understand what soul reincarnation all is about, but I've heard about it: this kind of practice, if it fails, the person being polished dies. I thought that only the souls of the Buddhas (mature people) were the same, which meant that the person performing the reincarnation doings had to be a Buddha, and the person being polished had to become a Buddha to complete the reincarnation and avoid death. I began to study Buddhism intentionally, but what is a soul? What is a Buddha? What is reincarnation? I didn't know any of it, I just studied Buddhism blindly and tried to write a Buddhist book on meditation.

(2)灌顶 Anointing

In the winter of 2012, I resigned from SPL to write my book at home.

2013年夏, 我的风湿症变严重了,很悲观,认为如果我病了,身体虚弱了,风湿病就会令我丧命。我用气功运气治疗风湿,可是真气少,力量弱。
Summer 2013: My rheumatism got worse and was pessimistic that if I got sick and bodily weak, rheumatism would kill me. I used Meditation to treat my rheumatism, but my true air was scarce and weak.

I was pessimistic and negative to the extreme, recalling that when Troupe Leader Liu was alive, he took care of me, and I was appreciated wherever I worked. Six or seven years after he passed away, I was a nobody, and tears kept flowing out of my eyes. As I was crying, I also drove my true air to cure my rheumatism. Suddenly I felt a strong flow of true air like a gushing spring at the Baihui Cave on the top of my head (see Illustration 10.4-2, upper center). I began to formally practice meditation while crying. The strong and warm true air flow flowed down from the top of my head like a waterfall, and wherever it passed, some rheumatism was cured.

I suddenly realized that this is the power of Mercifulness Sorrowfulness Delightfulness and Renunciation, the four infinite hearts. I looked at the time, it was noon, and understood, this I knew before, that midnight morning noon and evening, the four periods are good times to practice meditation. My strong sense of true air at this time was due to my Sorrowfulness and the fact that it was Noon at this moment.

I designed a “living funeral” for myself. When there was no one at home, I burned my own engineering documents and books in the backyard at noon to pay tribute to the death of Luyan, who wanted to be an engineer, to create sorrowful and renunciative feelings. At the same time, I gathered my intentions at the Baihui Cave on the top of my head and used the Anointing to treat rheumatism.

By the same token, when I meditated and treated rheumatism, I also played sad music, such as Abing's “Moon Reflections in Two Springs”. In this way, gradually, the rheumatism in my body was treated and controlled. After a few days, only the three acupoints on the back (see illustration 10.4-2), namely, Gaohuang (i.e., cureless dead meat), Shentang (i.e., God Hall), and Xixi (i.e., giggling sounds from Eve) could not be cured.

(3)注解 Annotation 10.4-2

2014年,我写完回忆录后研究了这条 “足太阳膀胱经” 。从命名来看,这条经脉是太阳神的根基,主宰阳刚之气。我查阅了字典,从造字法来看,膏肓的意思是无药可医的死肉。这意味着我患的病会危及我的生命。
In 2014, I researched this "Foot Solar Bladder Sutra" after writing my memoir. From the naming, this sutra is the root of the Sun God and dominates the air of masculine philosopher-stone. I consulted dictionary, and from the word-creation method, Gaohuang means “dead flesh with no cure”. This means that I am suffering from a disease that will jeopardize my life.

Shentang means “god hall”. Holy Ghost occupied my own God Seat, which means that Troupe Leader Liu is occupying my God's seat. He's declaring that he is my God.

The word Xixi, are the sounds of delighted pre-consciousness. In Buddhism, preconsciousness is called Mana-sense; in Christian, is called Eve-sense. Human Eve is converted from preconsciousness. I suffer from depression, which is a lack of delightfulness; my delightfulness’ root was destroyed by Eve Liu, wherein? She is a goddess to me. A happy, joyful Eve is a goddess, a fortune; a sad, weeping Eve is a misfortune, a calamity. In my heart, Eve Liu always had a grudge against me and hated me, so each I thought of her, each I met misfortune.

因为慈悲喜舍,此四无量心是我发功运气治疗风湿症的力量源泉,我喜根的缺失使我不能依靠自己的力量来解脱风湿症对我的束缚。喜根亦作 “喜足”,所以我现在跛脚,是个瘸子。这个瘸字就是 “桃花劫”中劫字的本义之一。插图10.4-3左是本书第18章《太阳石》中的主人公特拉洛克(Tlaloc)。特拉洛克是瘸子的原因和我卢岩一样,但他是受到了翠玉女(Chalchiuhtlicue)的创伤。右图是 “寻香” 阶段的特拉洛克正在赶往 “众生之母” 翠玉女的王宫去投胎,重新做人。
Because Mercifulness Sorrowfulness Delightfulness and Renunciation, the four infinite hearts are the source of power for me to drive true air to cure my rheumatism, the lack of my Delightful Root prevents me from relying on my own power to unfetter from the bondage that rheumatism has imposed on me. The root of Delightfulness is also known as “Delightful Foot”, so now I am crippled, a lame. The word "cripple" is one of the original meanings of the word "Catastrophe" in "Peach Flower Catastrophe". Illustration 10.4-3 Left is Tlaloc, the main character in Chapter 18 of this book, The Sun Stone. Tlaloc was crippled for the same reason as me, Luyan, but he was traumatized by the Chalchiuhtlicue. The picture on the right shows Tlaloc in the "Perfume Seeker" stage, on his way to the palace of Chalchiuhtlicue, the "Mother of All Livings", to enter her womb, to be reincarnated as a new human being.

What does “Perfume Seeker” mean? Mundane people call a soul searching for its mother to enter her womb as Perfume Seeker. In the story of reincarnation, take me Luyan as an example, from the time I fell into hell, that is from the time I fell ill, to the time when I found Eve Liu and got married with her, the curse of Death with Eyes Open is eliminated, during this period I Luyan is a Perfume Seeker. The word Perfume here is the name given to the extra portion of the woman’s precepts (i.e., 500 Majesties 108,000 Charms, refers to section 16.2) over the man’s precepts (i.e., 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments).

I've never met Troupe Leader Liu, yet he carved a line of words on my back to convey a message to me, "Luyan! You are terminally ill! I am your God! You can't defeat my holy ghost because you murdered me, and my goddess daughter Eve Liu hates you!"

How is it that I, Luyan, murdered Troupe Leader Liu? He said I, Luyan, was his son, I am indeed his godson. And he also said that he “dies with eyes open”, meaning that he died unwillingly, murdered by his own kin! That was him litigating to my God, i.e., my unconscious, that I, Luyan, had treated him unjustly. He endured multiple illnesses from doing this experiment while he was alive and paid for it with ten years of life expectancy.

But Troupe Leader Liu volunteered to sacrifice himself for the scientific research? Facts are facts! Plans and plots are intentions, are behaviors of preconscious, which are non-quantities, while unconscious (anciently known as God-sense) deals only with present quantities. This is nature law!

贴主:Adam_Luyan于2023_09_25 18:35:34编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_09_25 18:37:42编辑

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