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13.1.4 修罗趣 Asura Interest

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-27 23:01 已读 159 次  



回答: 📖13 苦谛 Bitter Crux 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:17

The Sanskrit word Asura, which is the Titan of the European world, is translated in Chinese as non-sky, non-category, and non-decency. It is said that whenever Asura eats the last bite, the food in his mouth always turns into mud. Although they are fortunate with the neighboring sky, they have no virtue to enjoy, so they are called non-sky. Only from the point of view of annoyance, especially inferior to human beings, so in the three benevolent paths Asuras are classified as below the human interest. Asuras are good at expostulation and fight, extremely fearsome. (Annotation, expostulation means admonition, earnest and kindly protest; and is the cause of all riots.)

At the time of the cause, with a suspicious jealous heart, although one is able to perform benevolences, but which desires to win over others. The ten benevolences of the lower grade led to the birth of this path. Identifying the lower ten benevolences is also to say from environment heart and affair.

First, escalation to environment, one can only protect bodily orally and intentionally behaviors in the favorable situation.
Second, escalation to heart, leisurely and slowly, or mixed with greed irritation ignorance etc. annoyances.

Thirdly, in terms of affairs, occasionally do benevolence, not extensive, and no accumulation for long term.
In summary, although one can practice the ten benevolent precepts, still has many annoyances, therefore, is the cause of Asura interest.

It is difficult to list the types of Asuras in detail, so classify them into four categories.
1. Livestock Asuras, are born from eggs, and are assimilated by Livestock Interests.
2. Ghost Asuras, come from moisture, and are assimilated by hungry Ghost Interests.

3. Human Asuras, are born from wombs, and are assimilated by human interests.
4. Sky Asuras, come from transformations and conversions, and are assimilated by sky interests.

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