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14.2.7-9 缚和盖 Bind and Cover

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 22:47 已读 152 次  



回答: 📖14 集谛 Aggregate Crux 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:15

14.2.7 缚 Bind.

Bind, in the presence or absence of desire and greed etc. environments, but the root-senses can not abandon them, therefore, the bind is named; there are three kinds of binds, greed Bind, irritation bind, and ignorance bind.

1) Greed Bind, that sentient being are bounded by greedily love, the heart cannot give up on the state of pleasant and laughable environments, when the environment turns bad, which induce deteriorating bitter, let him or her reside in Deterioration Bitter environment. The bitter is caused by laughable environment damages, therefore is named as Deterioration Bitter, is self-phenomenon of bitter.

2) Irritation Bind, that sentient beings are entangled by irritation and resentment, can not give up sequential environment of bitter acceptances; when environment with bitter phenomena present, they reside in Bitter-Bitter. Bitter-bitter is present bitter meeting old bitter, bitter water flows out, hence is named as Bitter-Bitter, is self-nature of bitter.

3) Ignorance Bind, that sentient beings are bound by ignorance and foolishness, unable to renunciate sequential neither bitter nor laugh environment, so are forced by the unsteady instant drifting phenomena, reside in the Migration Bitter. Migration Bitter is bitter root; Buddhism defines that wherever mental activities exist, wherever Migration Bitter exists.

From the above three meanings, we establish the three names of greed, irritation, and ignorance as three binds. Also, due to greed, irritation, and ignorance, one cannot freely behave according to benevolent laws, so they are called three binds. Illustrations 14.2.7-23, 24 show the exposition of bondage in the story in Chapter 18 of this book.

14.2.8 缠 Tangles

Tangles mean entanglements, which means that due to shamelessness, sinlessness, drowsiness, sleep, depression, regret, jealousy, and stinginess (for explanation, see section 11.4.4), again and again present, entangle Adam’s heart, are great obstacles for studying cultivating benevolent laws, hence the name Tangles.

1) on cultivating and studying precepts place (see section 16.2), shamelessness and sinlessness present again and again, Adam did not generate shame and sin, so he violated the precept study place again and again.
2) on cultivating and studying stillness place (see section 16.3), drowsiness and sleepiness present again and again, which cause Adam’s heart to drown, so he violated the stillness study place again and again.

3) on cultivating and studying gnosis place (see section 16.4), depression and regret present again and again, which cause Adam's heart to be distracted in the outer dust worlds, so he violated the gnosis study place again and again.
4) on the benevolent gnosis land (see Section 16.9), when cultivating and studying the “four non-hindrance interpretations”, Adam should share his experiences with comrades, teaching and learning are mutually beneficial. However, he was jealous and stingy, not willing to donate laws (i.e., to teach, to share), which hindered the progress of his improvement.

14.2.9 盖 Covers

Covers mean concealment, obstacle; saying that greed-desire cover, irritation-hatred cover, drowsy-sleep cover, depression-regret cover, and suspicion cover can conceal real heart, to have benevolent laws not manifest. Illustration 14.2.9-1-38 is the Nahuatl hieroglyph "Mountain", which also means cover, hat, scarf, etc., as shown in Figures 16, 17, 35, 36, 37, and 39. In Figure 39, Tlaltecuhtli is held captive by a mountain-like hat, and Mexico is rushing to rescue her (see chapter 18 The Sun Stone).

一)贪欲盖,契经说,于欲界为诸欲境界漂沦故,违背圣教,立贪欲盖;于出离欲界位为障。什么是出离?就是由五趣杂居地(如图14.2.9-23)去到离生喜乐地(如图24)。在修习出离,摒弃见取见(参见11.节《 见取见》)时,由贪欲盖故,夏娃对于色声香味触五种妙欲境界,随逐净相、欲见、欲闻、乃至欲触,希求受用;贪欲牵引心识散乱向外尘境界,让她于出家不生欣乐。
1) Greed-Desire Cover, Harmony Sutra says, sentient beings are drifting by the environments of Desire Boundary, are contrary to the holy religion, therefore the Greed-Desire Cover is set up, which is an obstacle for going out household life. What is the “going out household life”? It is from “five interests mixed dwelling land (fig. 14.2.9-23)” going to “leaving generates delight and laugh land (fig. 24)”. On studying and practicing the “going out household life”, detaching and giving up “views fetched from views (see section View Fetch), due to Greed-Desire Cover, Eve seeks to use the five wonderfully desirable environments of color, sound, incense, taste, and touch, desires to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, and even desire to touch, to pursue the enjoyments. Cravings lead the heart-senses disperse toward the external dusts’ environments, so that she does not produce delight and laugh on “going out household life”.

2) Irritation-Hatred Cover, Harmony Sutra says, sentient beings cannot tolerate expostulation, teaching, and reprimand from comrades, which violate all loveable laugh laws, therefore the Irritation-Hatred Cover is set up; is hindrance for perceiving heretical behaviors. When comrades of Godly migration found and reported Eve's mistakes, she felt angry and returned with hatred, so that she could not realize her shortcomings and delayed her cultivation and study on correct behaviors.

3) Drowsy-Sleep Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to contradict “correct stillness” (Sanskrit Samatha; see section 16.3), the Drowsy-Sleep Cover is set up; is hindrance for concentrated Stillness in cultivation and study. Due to not guarding the root doors, and not knowing the amount of food, etc., the drowsiness and sleepiness hinder brightly quiet Stillness, so Eve can not gain Correct Stillness. What are the Root Doors? The six roots of life tree (see section 11.3) are also known as Six Root Doors, from which color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts go in and out heartland.

4) Depression-Regret Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to contradict “Gnostic View” (Sanskrit Vipassana), the Depression-Regret Cover is set up; is hindrance for arousing Gnostic View in cultivation and study. Due to depression, Eve thinks of relatives and the kingdom lands, and due to regret, she misses relatives parted and homeland etc. which hinder brightly quiet mental cultivation, View Gnosis can not be aroused.

5) Suspicion Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to discussions are contrary to laws, contradict resolution on nirvana, the Suspicion Cover is set up; is hindrance for renunciation during stage of practicing “Still View” (Sanskrit Samatha-Vipassana). In this stage of cultivation and study, Renunciation is evenly equality and correct dwell. Because Eve had doubts about the holy teachings and was hesitant about the laws she had learned and the virtues she had proven, which hindered the emergence of Renunciation, so Arrival Ark (Biblical Noah's Ark) could not manifest.

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