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4.10 遗嘱 Wills

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-27 22:06 已读 187 次  



回答: 📖4 少青年 Youth 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:33

In the early spring of 1991, I was repeating my senior year at No. 1 High School in Black Mountain County. One day, my father and Uncle Dragon came to visit me.

When walked into the restaurant's room, I noticed that they had set up a private room. In addition to a normal dining table, there is also an old-fashioned one-foot-high convenient table and a few small stools in the wide part of the room. On the table there is a thermos flask and several old-fashioned porcelain bowls.

Dad said to me, "You grew up loving your Uncle Dragon's storytelling. Now his lung cancer is terminal, so this is the last time he will tell you stories. This time, your Uncle Dragon wants you to remember the story for the rest of your life. He will not only tell it to you, but also demonstrate it to you."

第一条遗嘱 First Will

While pulling me to sit at the small table, dad said: "The story goes that a man used to be sick with thirst and needed to drink water constantly. A large amount of water would relieve his illness and extend his life. This man always carried two buckets of water with him and carried them on a flat stretcher so that he would always have water to drink. Whenever he arrived at a village or a new place, he first looked for a well. After drinking at the well, he would then fill up the two buckets and pick the two buckets before continuing on his journey."
Uncle Dragon shouted behind us: "I'm sick with thirst right now, give me a big bowl of water."

我爸大声回答:“好嘞!服务员!这个房间要水!” 说着,我爸就从暖壶往大碗里倒水,然后又参了点儿凉水。爸爸对我说:“喝之前要注意水温,得先试试水温,就这样试一试。” 说着,他就把食指插进了水碗,又对我说:“感觉一下!你来试一试!”
My dad replied loudly: "Okay! Waiter! This room needs water!" With that, my dad poured water from the thermos flask into a big bowl, and then added some cold water. My dad said to me: "Before you drink it, you should pay attention to the temperature of the water, you have to try the temperature of the water first, just like this to try." With that, he inserted his index finger into the bowl of water and said to me: "Feel it! You try it!"

I replied: "My hands are not clean."
My dad said: "If you're told to try it, try it! Otherwise, your Uncle Dragon will be angry!"
So, I stuck my finger in the bowl of water, tried it, and said, "Warm water, feels a little cold."

Uncle Dragon said: "Remember! Warm water that feels a little cold to your fingers is the right temperature to drink."
My dad was going to change the bowl of water for Uncle Dragon. He said: "No! Change it and you two try it again for me with your fingers."
My dad had no choice, so he handed him the water and said: "I don't see the need to act twice! Then you can just take two less sips to show Luyan."

大姨父说:“卢岩!你看着!我要都喝了。” 喝了两大口后又说:“大不了多去一趟厕所。” 大姨父喝了水之后,又说:“二秃子!你能记住这件事儿不,要不啊!咱在演习一次。”
Uncle Dragon said: "Luyan! You watch! I'm going to drink it all." After taking two big gulps, he said: "No big deal! One more trip to the toilet." After drinking the water, Uncle Dragon said to me: “Second Baldy! Can you remember this or not? Let's do it again!?"
I replied, "No problem, I can remember."
Uncle Dragon asked me to repeat the story.

Annotation 4.10-1, first will, circa 2010, at age 40, my schizophrenia had developed mature, which is caused by emotional trauma, with gastrointestinal ulcers as a concomitant. I needed to drink large amounts of water from time to time to flush out irritating endocrine secretions, to dull the pain and unclog my gastrointestinal goings-on, so as not to burn the surface of my stomach and intestines with corrosive secretions. Once, in the summer of 2012, I was scalded in my stomach and intestines because I drank a large amount of hot water. The water wasn't so much hot as it was the amount of water I was drinking. I started to test the water temperature with my fingers, trying to figure out the right temperature: lukewarm water, with a little bit of cold feeling in my finger, is the right temperature. At that moment, I suddenly remembered the details above, "Uncle Dragon said, remember! Warm water, a little cool to the touch of the fingers is the right temperature to drink." I realized that Uncle Dragon was an emissary of Troupe Leader Liu, and that it was Troupe Leader Liu who arranged for him to be by my side and accompany me as I grew up. My illness (i.e., falling into hell) did not come naturally but was framed by Troupe Leader Liu in a premeditated manner. He used an allusion in order not to jeopardize my relationship with Uncle Dragon.

My illness is accompanied by a breathing disorder. Illustration 4.10.1-3 is a drawing of Mexico (a.k.a. Tlaloc) in ancient Mexico during his descent into hell (i.e., suffering from a mental illness). In the upper part of the picture there is a large amount of water flowing into his body, indicating that he had a gastrointestinal ulcer; there is a color bar on his face covering his nose, and there is an angular fragment; that indicates that he suffered from a respiratory disorder. Other signs show that Mexico has since realized that the Jade woman, Chalchiuhtlicue, is a goddess, and that her father, Huitzilopochtli, has all the powers and accomplishments of God.

At the center of Figure 4 is Eve, the ancient Egyptian mother of all livings. By analogy, the dung beetle on top of her head crushed Adam, the lion king, indicating that Adam, after being traumatized by Eve, suffered from gastrointestinal ulcers, and was also suffering from respiratory problems. The respiratory disorder is indicated by the fact that "Adam the lion king was put into a container."

第二条遗嘱 Second Will

During dinner, Uncle Dragon suddenly said to my father, "Baiyang! Let's start now!"

爸爸站起来,走到了崔凤龙背后侧边,笔直地站着,像似在表演似的,庄重地说:“卢岩!你从小就和你大姨父情投意合,爱听他给你讲故事。你们俩是忘年交。人生这一辈子,有一个这样的朋友,就应该知足。现在,你大姨父患了肺癌,已经到了晚期;他还有高血压。医生说他还可能活一个月。他临死前从抚顺赶来看你,就是为了给你讲这个 ‘怪病人不停地喝水的故事’。他还有一句话,要亲口对你说。”
Dad stood up, walked to the side behind Uncle Dragon, stood straight, as if he was performing, and said solemnly: “Luyan! You have been in love with your Uncle Dragon since you were a child and loved to listen to him tell you stories. The two of you are friends who have forgotten the age difference. A human one life, has a friend like this, should be contented. Now, your Uncle Dragon is suffering from lung cancer, which is at an advanced stage; he also has high blood pressure. The doctor said he might live another month. He came from Fushun to see you before he dies, just to tell you this 'story of the strange patient who kept drinking water'. He had one more sentence to say to you in person."

我问:“谁不是这样,我有啥特殊的?” 我爸爸也这样问。
Uncle Dragon solemnly said to me: “Luyan! You must study hard, if you can get into a good university, then of course it's better. If you go to a bad university, that's fine. No matter what university, as long as you can study in a university, then your future is bright and has a different future.”
I asked: "Who isn't, what's so special about me?" My dad asked the same thing.

Uncle Dragon replied: "Luyan is just different from others. If you go to college, Luyan will have a better future than others, because Luyan is the one I watched grow up. Luyan! You repeat to me the two things I did to you today."

I repeated the two wills, number one, the story of a man who had some strange disease and always kept drinking water. Before drinking the water, pay attention to the temperature of the water; it's only suitable if it feels a little cold to finger. Number two: As long as I can go to college, I'll have an extraordinarily bright future, because I grew up under your watch.

During the meal, Uncle Dragon said: "Luyan, look around at the layout of this house and recall everything that has happened from the time we entered the house until now." Dad and he pointed out points to me from time to time to help me recall: the small dining table, the water bowls, pouring water, testing the temperature of the water, drinking the water, and Uncle Dragon's expectations of me, and so on.

注4.10-2,2014年,我完成了回忆录,回忆起了三岁之前的事,证明了宿命通(参见第10章 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3464009),知道了刘团长从我1岁到34岁,一直密密地在背后关照我。这条遗嘱,刘团长还说,他挑选灵魂转世的下辈子,要求至少是大学毕业。可是,我还有个疑问,这个实验的成功概率是多少?这几率取决于宿命智,虽然我回忆出了三岁之前的事,证明了宿命智可能是存在的,什么是宿命智?可靠吗?我迷惑不解。
Annotation 4.10-2, In 2014, I completed my memoirs, recalled what happened before I was three years old, proved the Fate Through (see chapter 10), and learned that Troupe Leader Liu had been secretly looking out for me behind the scenes from the time I was one year old to the time I was 34 years old. This will, Troupe Leader Liu also said that his selection on the “next life” in the soul reincarnation experiment, requires at least a college graduate. However, I still have a question, what is the probability of success of this experiment? The odds depend on the Fate Intelligence, although I recalled what happened before I was three years old, proving that the Fate Intelligence might exist, what is the Fate Intelligence? Is it reliable? I was confused.

第三条遗嘱 Third Will

Before exiting the private room after eating, Uncle Dragon asked me to look around the room. After leaving the restaurant, he also asked me to look around the restaurant, the road, the trees, the wind, the temperature, etc.
My dad asked him: "Why do you keep making him look around?"

Uncle Dragon replied: "Luyan, who never forgets whatever pass through his eyes, can remember for the rest of his life after seeing this scene and feeling this climate. Afterward, he will be able to recall what we have done and spoken today based on these trees, the temperature and wind, etc."

Dad chattered inexplicably: “Never forgets whatever pass through his eyes! Luyan still has this ability!”
Uncle Dragon replied firmly: “Yes! I know! Because I watched him grow up!”
He passed away in Fushun Hospital on the sixth day after he left here.

注4.10-3,2016年春,我在复读自己的《回忆录》时发现,崔凤龙说我过目不忘,还总是让我看这儿看那儿,意识到了刘团长知道我是图像思维型人。我查阅了现代心理学的书籍,得出了10.7节《宿命智 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3585248》的结论。
Annotation 4.10-3, In the spring of 2016, when I was re-reading my Memoirs, I noticed that Uncle Dragon said that I would not forget anything pass through my eyes, and was always asking me to look here and there, so I realized that Troupe Leader Liu knew that I was an image-thinking type of person. I consulted books on modern psychology and concluded in Section 10.7, Fate Intelligence.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_12_07 21:13:57编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_12_07 22:09:10编辑

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