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15.2 小乘果 Small Vehicle Fruit

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 21:51 已读 184 次  



回答: 📖15 灭谛 Salvation Crux 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:09

15.2 小乘果 Small Vehicle Fruit; 15.2.1 相亲 Blind Date; 15.2.2 处女怀孕 Virgin Pregnancy; 15.2.3 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha; 15.2.4 四离系果 Four Off-is Fruits.

Mahayana Buddhism is abstracted from many religions, therefore, encompasses all the religions in the world, and its godly Trinity of Great Sun Tathagata (aka. God), Shakyamuni (aka. Adam), and View-Sound Bodhisattva (aka. Eve), are religious allegorical figures, each of whom has many incarnations. As for one specific trinity of incarnations, it is Hinayana (i.e. small vehicle); it is said to be small because of the limitations of the teachings. This article uses Zeus (aka. Great Sun Tathagata, God, Santa Claus, see fig. 15.2.1-1), Seven-Color Deer Buddha (aka. Shakyamuni, Actaeon, Gold Boy, Adam, see fig. 1, 2), and Diana (aka. Jade Girl, Eve, View-Sound Bodhisattva, see fig. 1, 2), the godly trinity to explain the Deer Vehicle (see fig. 1) teachings.

15.2.1 相亲 Blind Date

宙斯在给亚当识和夏娃识穿上了人皮(参见10.9节《 三位一体》)之后,就造出了金童阿克泰翁和玉女戴安娜。金童是说宙斯挑选并培养阿克泰翁成为了一个活人亚当,花费了和他身体重量相同的黄金。玉女是说宙斯为了生出和培养戴安娜花费了和戴安娜体重相同的玉石。也就是说宙斯花费了大量的金钱,雇佣了很多大师、高人在金童玉女的背后工作,才塑造出了这对儿蓝精灵和绿精灵。这时金童玉女到了婚嫁的年龄;宙斯安排他们俩见面(如图2),发生了什么事?
Zeus coated Adam-sense and Eve-sense with human’s skins (cf. Section 10.9, Godly Trinity), this way, he created Gold Boy Actaeon and Jade Girl Diana. The Gold-Boy means that Zeus selected and trained Actaeon to become a living Buddha (Adam), spending the same amount of gold as his body weight. The Jade-Girl means that Zeus spent as much jade as Diana’s weight to give birth to and raise Diana. In other words, Zeus spent a lot of money and hired many grandmasters to work behind the scenes to create the pair of Blue Genie and Green Genie. At this time, Actaeon and Diana reached the age of marriage; Zeus arranged for them to meet (see Fig. 2). What happened?

In Figures 2 to 4, the crescent moon symbol on Diana's forehead shows that her appearance is the same as that of the goddess in the moonlight, wherein? The gray under the bright moon is like the empty color that people unconsciously default to, and the unconscious does not pick up the traits of things in that kind of illumination. In other words, Diana's appearance resembles that of a goddess, that is, she resembles the default model of woman in the human’s Mind Mechanism. However, under the moonlight, because the function of identifying the traits of things is unconsciously turned off, so Diana becomes a goddess. Therefore, Zeus arranged for the two of them to meet for the first time at dusk, which is what the Greek legend says: "Diana met the golden rain (and became pregnant)."

So why is "golden sunshine" called "golden rain"? Because Zeus is known by his "Great-Ararat Golden-Catholicon", this "grey" is the main ingredient in making that Golden-Catholicon. And from that, many years later, Actaeon analyzed out the secrets of the Goddess Diana and Zeus in making the Golden-Catholicon, he believed that Zeus was teaching and "nourishing" himself, so he described "golden sunshine" as a "golden rain".

图2中,他们俩相亲,怎么画面中有那么多裸体女人?那是对戴安娜女戒的展现;前文说了,女戒的全名是“五百威仪十万八千魅力”,又名女人皮。“五百威仪”义为随着戴安娜的移动,她变化、变身,所以对于阿克泰翁来说,随后他就感觉自己遇见了很多女人,周围不断地有女人出现和消失(参见7.16节《 百变神通》)。
Actaeon and Diana were on their blind date, why were there so many naked women in the pictures? That is the display of Diana's Woman Precepts; as mentioned earlier, the full name of the Woman Precepts is "500 Majesties 108,000 Charms", also known as Women's Skins. "500 Majesties" means that as Diana moves, she changes and transforms, so for Actaeon, he felt that he met many women, and women continued to appear and disappear around him (cf. Section 7.16 Section "Godly Hundred Transformation").

Why does Actaeon in the pictures have antlers? The antlers indicated that he was a blue genie and the son-in-law chosen by Zeus. At this time, he already had the skills of the Fourth Meditation (cf. chapter 12) and was qualified to go to hell to retrieve human bones. He was the future Seven-Color Deer Buddha.

希腊的传说,阿克泰翁撞见了戴安娜公主在洗澡,离开时,走了十几步后,感觉全身麻木。“全身麻木”表示他被戴安娜严重地创伤了。只是一次相亲,怎么就被人家姑娘刺激成这样!?阿克泰翁可是后面的七色鹿佛,佛祖释迦摩尼的化身,应当说是定力深厚!作者我年青时有过与此类似的经历,见面十几分钟后,我就站不稳了;女方刘健君几次要送我去医院(参见7.3节《 初次见面》)。而且,这就是某些电影故事中的真实描述:恋爱男女,男孩一接触女孩儿,立刻病了,需要叫救护车去医院进行急救。
According to Greek legend, Actaeon walked in on Princess Diana bathing, and when he left, after taking a dozen steps, he felt numb all over. "Numb" means he was severely traumatized by Diana. It was just a blind date; how could he be so stimulated by a girl! Actaeon is the incarnation of Shakyamuni, the Seven-Color Deer Buddha, so we should say that his still-root is deep and thick! Author, I had an experience like this when I was young, after meeting for ten minutes, I couldn't stand steadily; the girl, Eve Liu tried several times to send me to hospital (see Section 7.3, "Blind Date"). And more, this is the true depiction of certain movie stories: a boy and a girl in love, when the boy touches the girl, immediately gets sick and needs to call an ambulance to go to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Greek legend has it that under the bright moonlight, Actaeon had a second date with Princess Diana. The two competed in archery, and Diana lost, was angry. The happy, joyful Diana is a goddess, a fortune; the sad, weeping Diana is a Misfortune, so Actaeon was once again encountered Misfortune. On their first date, Actaeon was stabbed by Diana's "500 Majesties 108,000 Charms", and on their second date, he was stabbed again.

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15.2.2 处女怀孕 Virgin Pregnancy - Adam_Luyan (10664 bytes) 04/27/24
15.2.3 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha - Adam_Luyan (8254 bytes) 04/27/24
15.2.4 四离系果 Four Off-is Fruits - Adam_Luyan (9337 bytes) 04/27/24

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