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17.2.17-17.2.19 三问 Third Ask

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-27 11:13 已读 159 次  



回答: 17.2 金刚经 Diamond Sutra 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 8:56

17.2.17 三问 Third Ask 

At that time, full life View-Sound Bodhisattva asked Veda again: Social Honor! To those aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, how should they dwell on? How should they behave and cultivate? How should they assimilate and tame their own hearts?

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: whoever aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, should arouse the heart, “I should let all sentients, due Non-Reliant Nirvana boundary, arrive at Nirvana; thus, to ferry all sentient beings. After terminally ferried them all, no sentient gains the extinctive ferry,” wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! if Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas (i.e., True-Humans and Great-Humans) have sentient think turning, should not say names of Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, wherein? If saying Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, should not say sentient think turning, thus living think, warrior think, hobbyhorse (i.e., Pudgala, a habitual aggregate) think, intent born think, Abel (i.e., Manava, Juvenile) think, creator think, acceptor think should be known as that also, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! No few laws are named as “Bodhisattva Vehicle Interest Arouser”.

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your own intentionality to say, past time at Lighting-Lamp Veda (Dipankara) place, had Thus-Come few laws to prove anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (which are Sanskrit, mean Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception)?
View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: Social Honor! Allow me to explain what Veda just said! In the past, at Lighting-Lamp Veda place, Thus Come hadn’t few laws to prove Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception.

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: Thus! Thus! Benevolence Manifestation! Past time at Lighting-Lamp Veda (Dipankara) place, Thus-Come hadn’t few laws to prove Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Past time at Lighting-Lamp Veda place, if Thus-Come had few laws to prove “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception”, Lighting-Lamp Veda shouldn’t bestow remembrance to me that “the benevolent man Sumeru shall become a Veda in coming next life, juristic fame Shakyamuni”. Benevolence Manifestation! Because of not few laws to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, therefore, Lighting-Lamp Veda conferred remembrance to me that “the benevolent man Sumeru shall become a Veda in coming next life, juristic fame Shakyamuni”, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Saying that Thus-Come is real fact, true suchness – Escalatory Language; saying that Thus-Come is non-birth, juristic nature - Escalatory Language; saying that Thus-Come has severed path permanently - Escalatory Language; saying that Thus-Come is terminally non-birth - Escalatory Language, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Such factual non-birth is significance of the upmost victory exactly.

注17.2.17-1,这是一种佛教中的特殊语法,用增语一词来标志此句所说的是 “非量”(参见11.4.5节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3408696),是用来帮助思想的。
Annotation 17.2.17-1, this is a special grammar in Buddhism, the word Escalatory-Language is used to indicate that this sentence is not a fact, is non-quantity (cf. section 11.4.5), is used to help thinking.

Benevolence Manifestation! Such as the saying that “Thus Come is capable to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception”. One should know, that isn’t true, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Because they slander me to arouse not factual obsession, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! No few laws, Thus-Come can depend on to prove Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception. Benevolence Manifestation! Laws proved, or laws spoken, or laws meant presently by Thus-Come, all are neither truthful nor illusion, therefore, Thus-Come says all laws are Vedic laws. Benevolence Manifestation! All laws all laws, Thus-Come says, aren’t all laws, therefore, Thus-Come says the names of all laws all laws (2).

Annotation 17.2.17-2. If the meaning or word is repeated twice in this sutra, the first time is the mundane victorious significance, and the second time is the victorious significance of transcending the mundane world.

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: such as a civilian has a gigantic body.
Full life View-Sound Bodhisattva immediately answered: Social Honor! Thus-Come said civilian with a gigantic body, Thus-Come said, “isn’t body”, therefore, “says the name of aggregately gigantic body”.

Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! Thus! Thus! If bodhisattvas say the words, “I shall terminally ferry boundless sentients”, if so, he or she shouldn’t be called bodhisattva, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Are there very few laws named as bodhisattva?
View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: No, Social Honor! No few minor laws are named as Bodhisattva.

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: sentient beings, sentient beings, Thus-Come says, are not sentient beings, hence the name of sentient beings. Therefore, Thus-Come says that all laws haven’t sentient being, haven’t life, haven’t warrior, haven’t hobbyhorse (i.e., Pudgala, a habitual aggregate), etc. Benevolence Manifestation! If a bodhisattva says, “I shall make Vedic Soil majestic”, is like that also, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Virtuous Majesties of Vedic Soil, Virtuous Majesties of Vedic Soil, Thus-Come says, are not Majesties, therefore, Thus-Come says the names of Virtuous Majesties of Vedic Soil, Virtuous Majesties of Vedic Soil. Benevolence Manifestation! If bodhisattvas on “no I law” “no I law”, deeply faithfully believe in and interpret, Thus-Come says that they are Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas.

17.2.18 一体同观 One-Body View

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! According to your own intentionality to say, have Thus-Come etc. presently Fate Through, Flesh Eye Through, Celestial Eye Through, Gnostic Eye Through, Juristic Eye Through, Vedic Eye Through and Leakage End Through (1)?
View-Sound Bodhisattva replied: Yes, Social Honor! Thus-Come etc. presently have Fate Through, Flesh Eye Through, Celestial Eye Through, Gnostic Eye Through, Juristic Eye Through, Vedic Eye Through, and Leakage End Through.

注17.2.18-1,如来等是指上帝的三合和:神父(即大日如来),佛(即金童、亚当),和佛母(即玉女、夏娃)(如图17.2.18右;参见10.9节《三位一体 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3585244》)。把这三个人看作一个整体(如图17.2.18左),这个整体具备此七种神通;任何单独一人不全部具备此七种神通。那么,为什么佛说如来等现在具有全部七种神通?答:因为观世音菩萨也在;此佛(即须弥颅)和观世音菩萨合在一起,就相当于图17.2.18左的双身佛,就具有了全部七种神通。宿命通参见第10章。肉眼通参见第3章。天眼通参见第12章。 慧眼通参见第16章。法眼通参见第11章(https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3408355)。 佛眼通,即上帝之眼,参见第18章。漏尽通参见第15章。

Annotation 17.2.18-1, Thus-Come (i.e. Tathagata), etc. refer to the Godly Trinity (see fig. 17.2.18 right, and section 10.9). The trinity of Godfather (i.e. Great Sun Tathagata), Veda (i.e. Gold Boy, Adam), and Vedic Mother (i.e. Jade Girl, Eve) as a whole, fully possesses these seven kinds of divine powers; any single person does not possess all these seven kinds of divine powers. So, why did the Buddha say that Tathagata etc. presently possesses all seven kinds of divine powers? Answer: Because View-Sound Bodhisattva is also there; the Buddha (i.e. Sumeru, Adam) and View-Sound Bodhisattva (i.e. Jade Girl, Eve) together are equivalent to the Two-Body Buddha (or God) on the left in Figure 17.2.18, possessing all the seven kinds of divine powers. For the Fate Through, see chapter 10. For the Flesh Eye Through, see chapter 3. For the Celestial Eye Through, see chapter 12. For the Gnostic Eye Through, see chapter 16. For the Juristic Eye Through, see chapter 11. For the Vedic Eye Through, i.e. God’s Eye, see chapter 18. For the Leakage End Through, see chapter 15.

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: According to your own intentionality, what say you? Great Wakeful-Senses River, Great Hallucinational-Senses River, Great Dream-Senses River, and Great Loose-Senses River, all sands in all the four great rivers around our Eye-Den Garden in Mount Sumeru, does Thus-Come (i.e., Tathagata) call those sands? Are those sands number many?
View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: Thus! Social Honor! Thus! Benevolent Renunciation! As you say it is sand; and the number of sands is very great.

Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! Up to those sands number worlds of sentient beings, those sentients, each has multifold of hearts; Thus-Come knows all their hearts streams circulations, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Heart Stream Circulations Heart Stream Circulations, Thus-Come says, are not Heart Stream Circulations; therefore, Thus-Come says the names of Heart Stream Circulations Heart Stream Circulations, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Past heart isn’t obtainable; future heart isn’t obtainable; present heart isn’t obtainable.

17.2.19 法界通分 One Same Juristic Boundary

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: 108,000 yojanas away from here to the west, there is a river named Lerma, and by its banks there are a benevolent man and a faithful woman, namely Mexico and Chalchiuhtlicue (Figure 17.2.18 left; see Chapter 18 "The Sun Stone"). Day after day, they two divide and donate Lerma River sands number self-body; and have been giving away self-body for as many catastrophes as Lerma River sands. Benevolence Manifestation! According to your own intentionality, what say you? Due to the cause, were their fortunate aggregates bear many?

View-Sound answered: very many! Social-Honor! Many indeed! Benevolent Renunciation!
Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus! That benevolent man and faithful woman, due to the cause, fortunate aggregates born are much many, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If fortunate aggregates factually have, Thus-Come wouldn’t say fortunate aggregates fortunate aggregates.


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_22 6:48:35编辑

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