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17.2.26-32 法身非相 Juristic Body isn’t Phenomena

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 11:11 已读 166 次  



回答: 17.2 金刚经 Diamond Sutra 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 8:56

17.2.26 法身非相 Juristic Body isn’t Phenomena.

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: According to your intent, what say you? Can people use Perfect Phenomenal Fulfillment of 3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments to view Thus-Come?
View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: Let me explain what Veda just said, shouldn’t use of 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments, the Perfect Phenomenal Fulfillment to view Thus-Come.

Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! Benevolent! Benevolent! Thus! Thus! Just as what you said, shouldn’t use the Perfect Phenomenal Fulfillment to view Thus-Come. Benevolence Manifestation! If using Full Phenomena of 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments to view Thus-Come, Wheel-turner holy King’s bannerman should be Thus-Come, therefore, shouldn’t use Perfect Phenomenal Fulfillment to view Thus-Come, thus, should use “phenomena aren’t phenomena” to view Thus-Come.

At that time, Social Honor sang a song, “All those who look at me by color and search for me by sound, they are migrating on heretical view and severing views, shouldn’t see me! They should view advisor’s juristic body as nature of Vedic laws. Juristic nature isn’t what being sensed; therefore, they can’t finally understand.”

17.2.27 无断无灭 No Severance No Extinction

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: According to your intent, what say you? Can Thus-Come use “Perfect Phenomenal Fulfillment of 3,000 Majesties 84,000 Enchantments” to presently prove “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment”? Benevolence Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Thus-Come can’t by “Perfect Phenomenal Fulfillment” to presently prove “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment”.

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! To those aroused interest to Bodhisattva Vehicle, do they set up minor laws as severance or extinction? Benevolence Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view; Bodhicitta Arousers never set up minor laws as or severance or extinction.

17.2.28 不受不贪 No Acceptance No Greed

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or a faithful woman uses Tigris River sands number of worlds fulfilled by seven treasures to charitably donate to Thus-Come. And such as a faithful man or a benevolent woman on the non-I law, non-birth law, achieves able to countenance; due to the very cause, he or she bears more fortunate aggregates than the earlier.

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! Bodhisattvas shouldn’t assimilate and enjoy fortunate aggregates.
Full life View-Sound immediately addressed Veda: Social Honor! What is to say Bodhisattvas shouldn’t assimilate and enjoy fortunate aggregates?
Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! Those should be assimilated and enjoyed don’t correspond to assimilation and enjoyment, therefore, saying the name of “Those Should Be Assimilated and Enjoyed”.

17.2.29 威仪寂净 Immaculately Silent Majesties

复次,善现!若言如来若去、若来、若住、若坐、若卧,一举一动悉皆具足三千威仪八万四千细行,是人不解我所说义,何以故?善现!言如来者即是真实、真如 - 增语(1)。都无所去、无所从来,故名如来。
Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! Somebody say that Thus-Come comes, goes, stands, sits, or lies down, every move he makes possesses “3,000 Majesties and 84,000 Enchantments” fully; the person does not understand what I said, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Saying that Thus-Come is real fact, is true suchness – Escalatory Language (1). Going nowhere, and nowhere of coming from, hence the name Thus-Come.

注17.2.29-1, 这是一种佛经中的语法:句子结尾用 “增语” 来标记此句所说的是非量(参见11.4.5节)。
Annotation 17.2.29-1, This is a kind of grammar in Buddhist scriptures: “Escalatory Language” is used at the end of the sentence to mark what the sentence says is “non-quantity” (cf. section 11.4.5).

17.2.30 一合理相 A Combination is a Metaphysical Phenomenon

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or a faithful woman, up to Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds Lands of Extremely Tinny Dusts, by which tinny dusts number of worlds’ color phenomena as quantity, Benevolence Manifestation! According to your intention, what say you? Are those quantity of Extremely Tinny Aggregates many?

View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: Those Extremely Tinny Aggregates are very many, Social Honor! Much Many! Benevolent Renunciation! Wherein? Social Honor! If extremely tiny aggregates are factually haves, Thus-Come wouldn’t say those are extremely tiny aggregates, wherein? Thus-Come said extremely tiny aggregates exactly aren’t extremely tiny aggregates, hence name “Extremely Tiny Aggregates”. Thus-Come said that Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds are exactly not worlds, hence the name “Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds”, wherein? Social Honor! If the world is a factual have, then it is a combinative obsession, Thus-Come said, a combinative obsession is exactly not an obsession, hence the name “One Combinative Obsession”.

17.2.31 知见不生 Non-Birth of Know and View

Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! The one combinative obsession is unspeakable, no joke, but those mundane fools and mutants stubbornly hold it as law, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! If saying that Thus-Come preaches I view, sentient view, living view, warrior view, hobbyhorse view, intent born view, Abel view, creator view, acceptor view, Benevolence Manifestation! According to your intention, what say you? Are thus sayings correct languages?

View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: No, Social Honor! Not! Benevolent Renunciation! Thus, sayings aren’t correct languages, wherein? What Thus-Come said I view, sentient view, living view, warrior view, hobbyhorse view, intent born view, Abel view, creator view, acceptor view, are non-view, hence the names “I” view, up to acceptor view.

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: Bodhicitta Arousers, on all laws, should know like this, should view like this, should faithfully interpret like this, thus, don’t dwell on juristic think, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Juristic think juristic think, Thus-Come says, isn’t think, therefore, Thus-Come says the names Juristic Think Juristic Think.

17.2.32 应化非真 Should Ferry Non-Real

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! Such as a Bodhisattvas or Mahasattvas uses innumerable worlds fulfilled by seven treasures to charitably donate to Thus-Come. Another case, such as a gentleman or gentlewoman, on this Philosopher-Stone Arrival Ark Sutra, even down to four sections, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefits, makes intents accordingly, up to preach broadly, exemplify; due to the cause, he or she bears much more fortunate aggregates than the earlier innumerably boundlessly. What is to preach, exemplify? Such as not to preach and exemplify for them, hence the name “To Preach and Exemplify for Them”.

At that time, Social Honor sang a song: establishments based on combinations, should be viewed like blemishes on stars, light’s phantoms, dews, bubbles, dreams, lightnings, and clouds; one should make thus views.

At the time, Veda finished saying of the sutra. View-Sound Bodhisattva, and monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, mundane skies, humans, asuras, etc., after hearing what Buddha said, all joyfully celebrated, gained never heard, faithfully accepted, humbly migrated on.


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