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18.1.1 蔻特鹠鸺 Coatlicue

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-25 13:10 已读 261 次  



回答: 📖18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-25 11:12

前文说了青松石王子具有佛的智慧,实际他还有神的外貌(参见10.8 《神的外貌》)。他还取得了父王的信任,所以立志成为转轮圣王,成为新的太阳神。《契经》说,“转轮圣王出现时,必有女宝现世”,为什么?青松石王子是他的父辈们培养出来的,自然要为他培养一位女神妻子,就是插图18.1.1中的蔻特鹠鸺。
It was said earlier that Turquoise Prince has the wisdom of a Buddha, in fact, he also has the appearance of a god (cf. 10.8 Godly Appearances), and he had gained his father's trust, so he aspired to become the Holy King of the Wheel Turner, a new Sun God. The Harmony Sutra says, "When the Wheel Turner Holy King appears, there will be a woman-treasure in the world", wherein? Turquoise Prince was groomed by his fathers, and it was natural to groom a goddess wife for him, the Coatlicue in Illustration 18.1.1.

蔻特鹠鸺是笔者我对纳瓦特语Coatlicue 的音译,本义为 “她,蛇裙”;如图18.1.1中的三幅图都显示了她的裙子是由蛇构成的。插图18.1.1-1是重生之母蔻特鹠鸺的典型雕像。她腰带上的骷髅头是青松石王子的颅骨,表示青松石王子为再造太阳的事业牺牲之后,蔻特鹠鸺继承了他的事业。她的胸部伸出了四只手,表示她在青松石王子死后,她一个人肩负了教母和教父两个人的工作,继续教导抚育金童和玉女。她的头是由两条蛇构成的,表示她善于运用金童和玉女两个思维模式进行思考。她的眼睛长在了头顶,表示她生性高傲,瞧不起人。
Coatlicue is a Nahuatl word, means "she, the snake skirt"; the three pictures in Figure 18.1.1 all show that her skirt is made of snakes. Illustration 18.1.1-1 is a typical statue of Coatlicue, the mother of Rebirth. The skull on her belt is the skull of the Turquoise Prince, which means that after Turquoise Prince sacrificed his life for the cause of recreating the sun, Coatlicue inherited his cause. Four hands stretched out from her chest, indicating that after the death of Turquoise Prince, she shouldered the work of both godmother and godfather, and continued to raise and teach the gold boy and the jade girl. Her head is made of two snakes, which means that she is good at thinking using the two thinking modes of gold boy and jade girl. Her eyes are on the top of her head, indicating that she is arrogant and looks down upon others.

图-2头上装饰有很多羽毛,表示她颇具灵性。她飞奔在天,脚踝装饰有羽毛,表示她是行天,即文字思维型人。她蒙着眼睛射箭,表示她做事计划在先,然后有的放矢,觉悟的性格特质强,是玉女(夏娃)类人。她的乳房被两只白骨爪遮着,脖子上挂着人心项链,表示她对别人的刺激性很强,是位 “少男杀手” 。图-3显示她善于挖人心,裙下枯骨累累,表示她的女人皮,即五百威仪十万八千魅力(参见16.2节),害了很多人。
In Figure 2, there are many feathers on her head, indicating that she is quite spiritual. She is flying in the sky, and her ankles are decorated with feathers, indicating that she is a Migration Sky, a “word thinking type” person. She shoots arrows while blindfolded, which means that she plans things first and then has the target in mind, means that she has a strong conscientious trait, is a Jade Girl (Eve) type of person. Her breasts are covered by two white bone claws, and a necklace of human hearts hangs around her neck, indicating that she is very stimulating to others, is a "Heart Breaker". Picture -3 shows that she is good at poaching people's hearts, and there are many bones under her skirt, which means that her woman’s skins, i.e., 500 majesties and 108,000 charms (cf. section 16.2), have harmed many people.

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_20 11:11:42编辑

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