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18.1.2 王子求婚记 Prince’s Proposal

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-25 13:08 已读 243 次  



回答: 📖18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-25 11:12

青松石王子把蔻特鹠鸺邀请到宫殿,带她来到雨神特拉洛克的雕像前(图 18.1.2-1-2)。王子指着雕像说: “我打算把现在的纳瓦特尔国建设成一个更大的帝国。将来,我会把这个国家改名为墨西哥。” 然后,他解释说,他将困住特拉洛克(如图 -3、-4、-5 所示),因此,他将把最受欢迎的古神特拉洛克塑造成为墨西哥的祖庙(如图 -7 所示)。青松石王子对蔻特鹠鸺说: “我请你和我一起建设未来的墨西哥帝国(如图 1 所示)。”
Prince Turquoise invited Coatlicue to the palace and led her to the statue of Tlaloc (Fig. 18.1.2-1-2), the rain god. The prince pointed to the statue and said: "I am planning to build the current Nahuatl country into a larger empire. In the future, I will change the name of the country to Mexico.” Then he explained he will trap Tlaloc (as shown in figs. -3, -4, -5), therefore, he shapes Tlaloc, the most popular ancient God, as Ancestral Temple of Mexican (as shown in fig -7). Prince Turquoise said to Coatlicue: “I ask you to join me in building the future Mexican Empire (as shown in fig. -1)."

Coatlicue was dumbfounded by what she heard (Figure 6) and lowered her head sadly, why? She couldn't understand what the prince was saying, her own whole body didn't feel a thing about what the prince said and was speechless!


青松石王子发现蔻特鹠鸺还是个少女,不知道天道轮回的道理,就说:“啊!这是我们皇家的家事。我给你说说,你这么聪明,还是女神世家出身,一听就明白!我父亲发起了奥林运动(如图18.1.2-2-1和-11中,那根DNA似的线就是奥林标志)。他把我培养成了神(即有佛的知识和神的行为),又把再造阿弥陀(如图-12; 或说为新的太阳神)的任务交给了我。”
Realizing that Coatlicue is still a young girl and does not know the theory of Godly cycle, Turquoise Prince said: "Ah! This is our royal family business. You are so smart and are from a goddess family! I tell you some, you'll understand it right away! My father started an Ollin Movement (as in Figures 18.1.2-2-1 and 11, the DNA-like line is the Ollin symbol). He raised me to be a god (i.e., to have the knowledge of Buddha, and with behaviors of a god) and gave me the task of recreating Ometeotl (as in Figure -12), a new Sun God."

Prince Turquoise said to girl Coatlicue: "I redesigned the gold boy and the jade girl based on the principles of psychological mechanisms (see 10.9 "Godly Trinity”). I decided to secretly select 500 gold boys across the country to sacrifice to Tlaloc. Then, I secretly sent people to teach them (Figure 4). When they grow up, I will make them experience through crucial juristic cases of Tlaloc. The key cases are shown in Figure 5, each golden elixir represents a juristic case. Similarly, I plan to cultivate 6 jade girls. We have investigated and studied, the daughter born to you and me will have all the innate traits of the jade girl. Then As the godmother of these six jade girls, you will train them so that they can unconsciously learn and experience the key life cases of Chalchiuhtlicue. When the gold boys and the jade girls reach the age of marriage, we will select a gold boy with fourth meditation experience to date with our jade-girl daughter.”

青松石王子继续说:“那,我们的女儿不会看上金童那种普通农民子弟,但她的 “五百威仪十万八千魅力”会创伤金童(如图9)。那时咱俩也在背后扇阴风,点鬼火,唆使他们俩打架。这样,被选中的金童就会因为创伤严重而堕入地狱(即患了精神病; 如图10)。但是我们选中的金童具有四禅的功力,他能依靠自己的力量从地狱里爬上来。虽然金童能从地狱里爬出来,他也只能娶我们的女儿为妻(如图11)才能继续存活。他们俩结婚了,就是阿弥陀(双身神,或双身佛,如图12)。 如是,我们所建造的墨西哥帝国由特拉洛克(即金童)和翠玉女(即玉女)这两位大神作为开国的皇帝皇后,和墨西哥人的始祖,那繁荣昌盛是自然而然的事了。”
Prince Turquoise continued: "Well, our daughter will not fall in love with an ordinary farmer like the Gold Boy, but her "500 majesties and 108,000 charms" will hurt the Gold Boy (picture 9). At that time, we also sow discord between them, and instigate the two of them to fight each other. In this way, the chosen gold boy will fall into hell due to severe trauma (i.e., suffer from mental illness; as shown in Figure 10). But the gold boy we selected has “fourth meditation power”, he can climb out of hell on his own strength. Although the gold boy can climb out of hell, he can only survive by marrying our daughter (picture 11). The two of them get married, it is Ometeotl (Twin God, or Twin Buddha, as shown in Figure 12). In this way, the Mexican Empire we built has two great gods, Tlaloc (the gold boy) and Chalchiuhtlicue (the jade girl), as the founding emperor and queen, and primogenitors of Mexicans, then prosperity is natural.”


青松石王子对蔻特鹠鸺说:“这样做,由于我打破了阴阳两界的大门,切割时间、颠倒时间安排顺序,我就会生病,以至于死了(如图18.1.2-3-2,3),看不到他们俩浴火重生,成为新的太阳神了。” 图3显示青松石王子因为造太阳(神)的事业而牺牲了,正在向妻子蔻特鹠鸺告别。
Prince Turquoise said to Coatlicue: "By doing this, because I broke the door between the living and died, cut time, and reverse the sequence of time, I will get sick and even die (as shown in Figure 18.1.2-3-2, 3), can't see that the two of them are reborn from the bath of fires and became the new sun god." Figure 3 shows that Turquoise Prince was responsible for the cause of creating the sun (God). He is dying and is saying goodbye to his wife, Coatlicue.

Prince said: "It doesn't matter! I voluntarily sacrificed myself to recreate the sun (God). How can I do great affair without sacrifice! After I die, you will continue to be responsible for the cause of creating the sun. Don't worry, you will already be my current age. The elders of the “Great Floating Painting Tower” (i.e., the Great Ancestral Temple) the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty will help you! Think about it, our daughter is younger than me now and she's a king. Who else can control her? If you, her mother, don't control her, she'll poke a hole in the sky!”

Figure 1 shows Coatlicue who is listening to Prince Turquoise with all her heart. You see, her longing-filled eyes only see the prince Turquoise, and she only thinks about the prince Turquoise. Her eagle-like ambition hugs the prince Turquoise tightly, fearing that he will fall!

As shown in Figure 18.1.2-3-4, Coatlicue is watering the tree of life. The red color of her body indicates that she is Red Tezcatlipoca at that time and is the chief shaman for the cause of creating the sun god.


Coatlicue (as in fig.18.1.2-4-1) was enlightened like a sun, and beautiful like a peacock, unable to find her mouth to speak anymore.

青松石王子又拉着蔻特鹠鸺来到特拉洛克的雕像前(如插图18.1.2-1-2),说:“我都算过了,如果一切顺利,那时你还不到60岁!” 他指着特拉洛克的雕像说:“到那时,你就可以这样儿,特拉洛克!过来,过来!变成一只乌龟,驼我走一圈!那会怎么样!?他就得变成乌龟,让你骑(如图18.1.2-4-2),为什么?那女婿背丈母娘走一圈,让丈母娘开心,还不是应该的!咱俩这事不急,你再考虑考虑,和父母商量商量,我可以等。”
Prince Turquoise took Coatlicue to the statue of Tlaloc again (as shown in Illustration 18.1.2-1-2) and said: "I have calculated it all. If everything goes well, you will not be 60 years old by then!" He pointed at the statue of Tlaloc and said: "At that time, you can do this, Tlaloc! Come here, come here! Become a turtle and hump me around! What will happen!? He must turn into a turtle and let you ride on him (as shown in Figure 18.1.2-4-2), wherein? It’s right for a son-in-law to carry his mother-in-law on his back to make her happy! We are not in a hurry. Think about it and discuss it with your parents, I can wait."

蔻特鹠鸺一听,立刻急了,说:“我觉得,现在我们俩就应该开始造玉女!” 这俩人就动工了,开始制造玉女了(如图3)。图4显示,巫山云雨之后的蔻特鹠鸺立刻变得气定神闲,具有了皇家风范!
When Coatlicue heard this, she immediately became anxious and said: "I think the two of us should start making the Jade Girl now!" Then, the two of them started to work out Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e., Eve, Jade Girl; see fig. 3). Figure 4 shows that immediately after the witching hour, Coatlicue became poised with a royal demeanor!

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_20 11:12:43编辑

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