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18.1.3 王子和蔻特鹠鸺的婚礼 Wedding of Xiuhpilli and Coatlicue

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-25 13:07 已读 255 次  



回答: 📖18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-25 11:12

前文说青松石王子(Xiuhpilli)和蔻特鹠鸺有了婚前性行为。王后知道后非常生气,斥责媒人。媒人受了委屈,来找蔻特鹠鸺得母亲抱怨。蔻特鹠鸺的母亲听后,也很尴尬,回答:“我相信王后的指责有道理,但我认为他们俩唠得兴奋了,青松石王子不忍心拒绝蔻特鹠鸺得热情,这俩人就做了糊涂的事。不过,我女儿可能也是一时兴奋,不是有预谋的,她可没那心计!” 蔻特鹠鸺发现自己的秘密计划暴露了,着实吓了一跳!幸好自己的母亲给自己作掩护!也后悔了:自己作为一个姑娘家,应该矜持稳重些!
As mentioned in the previous article, Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli) and Coatlicue had premarital sex. When the queen found out, she was very angry and reprimanded the matchmaker. The matchmaker felt wronged and came to Coatlicue's mother to complain. Coatlicue's mother was also embarrassed after hearing this and replied: "I believe the queen's accusation is reasonable, but I think the two of them were excited to chat, and Turquoise Prince couldn't bear to reject Coatlicue's enthusiasm, so the two of them did something stupid. However, my daughter might have been excited at the moment, not premeditated, she doesn't have that kind of scheme!" Coatlicue was shocked to find that her secret plan was exposed! Fortunately, her mother covered for her! She also regretted: As a girl, she should be more reserved and steadier!

蔻特鹠鸺忐忑不安地等待着相亲的结果,时间过得很慢。半个月后,媒人来了,说:“国王听说了青松石王子和蔻特鹠鸺的事,也很生气,训斥了青松石王子,说‘你们俩赶紧给我结婚!咱帝王之家可受不了未婚先孕的丑闻!” 蔻特鹠鸺听后,不安的心情终于缓和了下来,觉得国王可真是个好人,他妈却很难对付。”
Coatlicue waited anxiously for the result of the blind date, and time passed very slowly. Half a month later, the matchmaker came and said, "King heard about Prince Turquoise and Coatlicue, and he was very angry. He scolded Prince Turquoise and said, 'You two should get married quickly! Our royal family can't stand the scandal of unmarried pregnancy! ' After hearing this, Coatlicue's uneasy mood finally eased. She felt that the king was really a good man, but his mother was difficult to deal with."


婚礼由两部分构成,一部分是在蔻特鹠鸺的庙中,另一部分在奥林·托纳修的庙中。插图18.1.3.1-1是青松石王子跟随着新娘蔻特鹠鸺来向 “夏娃族的首领大女神蔻特鹠鸺” 请愿:再一次举办奥林(Ollin)运动,再造翠玉女。新娘蔻特鹠鸺手中拿着燧火石,表示 “大女神蔻特鹠鸺” 同意新娘蔻特鹨休和青松石王子再一次举办奥林运动,再造翠玉女(即玉女,夏娃)。
The wedding consists of two parts, one in the temple of Coatlicue and the other in the temple of Ollin Tonatiuh. Illustration shows the Turquoise Prince following the bride Coatlicue to petition “the chief Goddess of the Eve tribe, Great Coatlicue”: to hold a new Ollin Movement, to reincarnate Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e. Jade Girl, Eve). The bride Coatlicue holds a flint in her hand, indicating that the "Great Coatlicue" agreed that the bride and Turquoise Prince can hold a new Ollin Movement, and to reincarnate Chalchiuhtlicue.

古埃及人称人思想机制中的随念自我为亚伯;亚伯的形象是个孩子。图3中,古埃及人用 “给亚伯喂奶” 来表示那个女人是夏娃(亦作玉女)。古墨西哥人描述人的随念自我为 “一天以内的自我” ,称作 “灵龙” ,亦作 “羽龙” ;它的形象是龙或孩子。古墨西哥人也用 “给灵龙喂奶” 来表示那女人是 “玉女类的人” ,如图1,用 “给灵龙喂奶” 来表示那个大女人是大女神蔻特鹠鸺。图2中,古墨西哥人用给灵龙喂奶和玉女类人的菩提树来表示那女人是众生之母,翠玉女。
Ancient Egyptians referred to the inner “along thoughts ego” in mind mechanism as Abel; and Abel's image is that of a child. In Figure 3, the ancient Egyptians used the "breastfeeding Abel" to indicate that the woman is Eve (also known as the Jade Woman). Ancient Mexicans described “inner along thoughts ego” as "the self of for one day”, called Quetzalcoatl, also known as the "feathered dragon"; its image is a dragon or a child. Ancient Mexicans also used "breastfeeding Quetzalcoatl " to indicate that the woman was a "Jade Woman type of person", as in Figure 1, and used “breastfeeding a small dragon” to indicate that the big woman is the Big Goddess Coatlicue. In Figure 2, the ancient Mexicans used “breastfeeding Quetzalcoatl” and an enlightenment-tree of Eve type person to indicate that the woman is the mother of all livings, Chalchiuhtlicue.


Figure shows that the groom and bride came to swear an oath to Ollin Tonatiuh, but Ollin Tonatiuh was angry (as shown in the volcanic eruption below): "You still dare to come to me to testify about the marriage! You two are creating a new Ollin Tonatiuh to replace me, and you started reincarnating Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl) without even informing me; I will punish you!"

青松石王子说:“世尊!以前的太阳神六百年前就死了,现在您是他智慧生命在人们心镜中的影像,是空的;我们不可能冒犯着您!” 如图右上角奥林·托纳修灵羽上的那两朵太阳花,那像似但不是奥林标志,也没有颜色。“色”在唯心主义中是变碍义,相当于现代唯物主义中的物质。没有颜色,表示这位上帝没有物质的形体,无受无取,自然不会生气。与之相对应的,青松石王子腿上的两颗鲜艳的太阳标志表示他是一位活的奥林·托纳修。
Prince Turquoise said, "Social Honor! The former Sun God died six hundred years ago, and now You are the image of his gnostic life in the mirror of people's hearts, which is empty; it is impossible for us to offend you!" The two sunflowers, as seen on the former Ollin Tonatiuh’s Spiritual Feathers in the upper right corner of the picture, resemble but are not the Ollin symbol and have no color. "Color" in theism means transformation and hindrance, equivalent to matter in modern materialism. The absence of color indicates that this God has no material form, has no acceptance and fetch, so naturally will not be angry. In contrast, the two brightly colored sun symbols on the legs of Prince Turquoise indicate that he is a living Ollin Tonatiuh.

When Coatlicue heard this, how could he quarrel with God! Anxiously said: "Social Honor! It was I who seduced him about our incident the other day; if you want to punish, punish me!" As shown in the picture, Coatlicue’s finger shoots out a charming butterfly; but Prince Turquoise receives a colorless charming butterfly, indicating that he accepted the Coatlicue’s kind intention, but showed that transgressive sexual act was of his own sincere and voluntary will.

The former Sun God said to Coatlicue: "You are honest! Forgive me for taking the liberty! You have inherited the Goddess position of Coatlicue, you are now of a higher godly rank than I am. Even though, you should not tease my son! I heard you two the other day in front of my son Tlaloc's statue. The boy is old and disrespectful, using his power and wisdom as a pander, those words made me feel numb even to hear them. And you're going to marry him! And you two are going to turn my son Tlaloc into a turtle and ride him!"

Coatlicue replied: "Social Honor! Prince Turquoise is my fiancé, and you are his predecessor as Sun God, my elder, so you’re reprimanding me is not considered rude to me. As for what happened that day, that was the prince joking with me; I would not bully the God of the North (i.e., Tlaloc)! As for my marriage to the prince, I don't mind that he's much older than me, I'm willing to marry him!"

The former Sun God said to Coatlicue: "What a good girl! That black son of mine (i.e., Tlaloc, Adam) is drooping and sad all day long, and it's hard for me to see him! My punishment for you is that he is reincarnated as a human being this time, you make him live a happier, more lively life!"

Coatlicue replied: " Social Honor! As you wish! I am the Guardian of God’s Cycle (as indicated by the bird's nest symbol on her legs), and it is my sacred duty to incubate your godson Tlaloc (i.e., Gold Boy, Adam, Jaguar) and your daughter Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e., Jade Girl, Eve) to become a new Ometeotl. I will endeavour to make this two-body God shine once again, to illuminate the three-grand great-grand worlds!"

The former God turned his face to Turquoise and said: "As for you, no matter how much I punish you, it will mean nothing compared to the pain you will endure in sacrificing yourself for me! Are you willing to take Coatlicue as your wife and make her a widow on earth in the future?"

Prince Turquoise replied: "Social Honor! I have already told her that I cannot grow old together with her in the human world; I am willing to marry her!"

The former God said: "It seems I've been nagging too much, and the bride is waiting impatiently! Say the conclusion! I agree to organize a new Ollin Movement Games with Prince Turquoise and Coatlicue as the initiators. When the child, Chalchiuhtlicue, is born, you two can by the fame of Ollin Tonatiuh to declare to the world that a new Ollin Movement Game starts. I now proclaim in the fame of Ollin Tonatiuh that the benevolent man, Prince Turquoise, and the faithful woman, Coatlicue, are already husband and wife on earth! It is now sunset, an auspicious time, so send the bride and groom to the bridal chamber immediately!"


图18.1.3-3显示,洞房之中,青松石王子的阴茎不勃起,为什么?女神的外貌是人脑思维中默认女人样貌(参见11.4.1 色蕴);另外,男人不对女神起性冲动。图3中,青松石王子的阴茎不对蔻特鹠鸺勃起,表明她具有女神的外貌和行为(如图中蔻特鹠鸺关节处的发光点所示)。那才不对呢?他们俩以前有过性交行为,没发现异常!
Figure 18.1.3-3 shows that in the bridal chamber, Prince Turquoise's penis does not erect. Why? The appearance of the goddess is the default appearance of women in the human mind mechanism (see section 11.4.1 Color Node); in addition, men do not have sexual impulses towards goddesses. In Figure 3, Prince Turquoise's penis does not erect for Coatlicue, indicating that she has the appearance and behaviors (as shown by the glowing spots at Coatlicue's joints in the picture) of the goddess. What's wrong with that? They had sexual intercourse before, and nothing abnormal was found!

This shows that the appearance of Coatlicue is very similar to that of a goddess. The gray color of the world at sunset is the default empty color of the mind, so unconsciousness (ancient as God-sense) does not distinguish the characteristics of things in that light intensity, so Coatlicue becomes a goddess. A few days ago, the two of them were in the sun, and Prince Turquoise's unconsciousness could capture Coatlicue's appearance and had sexual impulses towards her, so the two of them could have sexual intercourse.

Why does Prince Turquoise in Figure 3 look like a teenager when he is already about 40 years old? To indicate Prince Turquoise’s ability of “Hundred Godly Transformations (see section 7.12)”.

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_20 11:14:23编辑

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