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16.6 现前地 Manifestation Heartland

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-25 12:34 已读 224 次  



回答: 📖16 道谛 Path Crux 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-17 12:15

Tang Tripitaka said, it is Manifestation Heartland that dwelling in intelligence of aggregate arousal (1), to induce non-discriminative upmost victorious arrival ark (2) manifests at front.
Annotation 16.6.0-1, what is the intelligence of aggregate arousal? Answer: It is the aggregate arousal, see section 14.1.

注16.6.0-2,什么是最胜般若?答:就是等起。对于尘世之人,因为集起集合中的空集(∅)不空,集起具有聚合性,收集性,所以称作集起。对于圣人来说,由于证得了涅槃,清除了污染,集起集合的空集(∅)空了,此空集(即涅槃)是等性,所以称作等起。那为什么古人把 “等起” 称作最胜般若?因为此空集(∅)是涅槃, “净识害有” ,此 “空集” 能杀死一切烦恼,具有无量无边的福德,就是“拯救”。
Annotation 16.6.0-2, what is the upmost victorious arrival ark? Answer: Equality Arousal. For earthly people, because the empty set (∅) in the Aggregate Arousal set is not empty, so their Aggregate Arousal has the property of aggregation and collection, so it is called Aggregate Arousal. For sages, since they have attained Nirvana and eliminated pollution, the empty set (∅) of the Aggregate Arousal is empty (i.e. Nirvana), with equal nature, so it is called Equality Arousal. Then why did the ancients call "Equality Arousal" the most supreme arrival ark? Because this empty set (∅) is Nirvana, "Immaculate Senses Harm Haves”, this "empty set" can kill all annoyances and has infinite fortune and virtue, which is "salvation".

16.6.1 慧渡 Gnostic Ark

Sixth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Gnostic Ark. Gnosis is heart of interpreting know, is a kind of intelligence; but in some respects, Gnosis is the opposite of Intelligence, the Intelligence to accomplish affair is Intelligence, and the Intelligence to end affair is Gnosis. Gnosis is by selection, picking as nature, has three types: non-discriminative gnosis of birth empty, non-discriminative gnosis of law empty, non-discriminative gnosis of aggregate empty.

(一)生空无分别慧。从无到有为生。参见14.1节的集起,四缘合和,就有了;此从空而生就是 “生空”。我们把这个概念拓展到万事万物,从出生来说,都是一样,没有差别。你、我、他、她、和它,从出生来说,都是一样的,没有差别。
(1) Non-Discriminative Gnosis of Birth Empty. Birth means from none to have. See section 14.1 Aggregate Arousal, the four elements gather up, have comes to exist, which newborn has not self nature, is the Birth Empty. We extend this concept to everything. From birth, everything is the same and there is no difference. You, me, him, her, and it are all the same from birth, there is no difference.

(二)法空无分别慧。此中有两个关键概念,我空和法空。口语中的 “我” 就是 “转移身见”,参见11.节。无意识,古作神识,是法识。本书讨论了许多无意识的特性,但无意识唯是现量,我们不能直接表达无意识的特性。无意识最大的特性是 “不障性”,它不障碍任何事物,如同虚空,而且无意识与虚空相应,所以我们说无意识是 “胜义空”。因为我空和法空,你、我、他、她、和它,从法来说,都是一样的,没有差别。
(2) Non-Discriminative Gnosis of Birth Empty. There are two key concepts in this, I Emptiness and Law Emptiness. The "I" in oral language means "translocation body view", see Section Unconsciousness, ancient time as God-sense, is Law Sense. This book discusses many characteristics of unconsciousness, but unconsciousness is present quantity only, we cannot directly express its characteristics. The greatest characteristic of unconsciousness is "non-obstruction", it is not hindering anything, just like emptiness, and it corresponds to emptiness, so we say that unconsciousness is "emptiness of victorious significance". Thus, because I Empty and Law Empty, you, me, him, her, and it are all the same from the juristic point of view, there is no difference.

(三)俱空无分别慧。俱空义为集起的整个集合是空的,就涉及到了物质是空的。佛教是从眼识所对的 “色”来定义物质的,所以佛法中,色即是物质。读者可参见11.4.1节《 色蕴》,那篇文章已经究竟了色的本质,是空的。
(3) Non-Discriminative Gnosis of Aggregate Empty. The Aggregate Empty means that the entire collection in Aggregate Arousal is empty, which involves the fact that matter is empty. Buddhism defines matter in terms of “color” that is perceived by the eye, so in Buddhism, color is matter. Readers can refer to Section 11.4.1 "Color Node". That article has already explained the essence of color, which is empty.

16.6.2 粗相现行障 Hindrance of Thick Phenomena Presentness

Sixth land Bodhisattvas break the hindrance of thick phenomena presentness. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, a First Quadrant aggregately born obsesses the thick phenomena of contamination and immaculateness, which hinders the “non-contamination non-immaculateness path” of the sixth land. When Boddhisatva enters the sixth land, that hindrance is severed for ever. Thus, we say that sixth land Bodhisattva cuts off the two fools and their roughs and heavies. (1) Fool of Observing Migrators’ (the laws in section 11.4.4 Migration Node) Circulations, which is the one among this obsesses the existence of contamination, because contamination branch assimilates migrators’ circulations. (2) Fool of Many Phenomenal Presents, which is the one among this obsesses the existence of immaculateness, is fetching immaculate phenomena. Many phenomenal views present because practitioner did not dwell in non-phenomenal view long.

16.6.3 无染净真如 Non-Contamination Non-Immaculateness True Suchness

Sixth land Bodhisattvas testify Non-Contamination Non-Immaculateness True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said that nature of this true suchness has no contaminations, and it cannot be said that it can become immaculate in the future. This true suchness shows that unconsciousness is very mechanical and self-resulting. It extracts information from people's actual behaviors in its own way and establishes itself without distinguishing between good and evil. Like black and white, people feel anxious about black and peaceful about white. Unconsciously, black, and white are neither good nor evil, so black is not pollution, and white is neither good nor evil.

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