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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2024-04-18 17:55 已读 1293 次  



自从2016年开始和世界的各国领袖以及企业精英们交流见面,差不多快八年了。这八年世界真的是风起云涌,前所未有的翻天覆地呀。百年未有之大变局,应该是千年未有之大变局,人类社会的大航船,在调整航线进入新的纪元,不可避免的会溅起波浪滔天,水花四溢。最近几年世界各地更频繁发生的是天灾,各种地震,火山爆发,洪水,冰雹,海啸等等,都是在不正常的情况下极端地发生。还有各种各样的人祸,各种爆炸,铁路脱轨,桥梁撞断,抢劫烧杀枪击等等,规模和频率都是前所未有的,造成的灾难也是大规模的。无论是肆虐全球的,让几百万人丧命的新冠病毒,还是俄乌战争,让近百万人无家可归,丧失生命,国家濒临灭亡,欧中随着魔鬼搬石头砸自己的脚,以及最近的硝烟弥漫,有战火扩张危险的巴以战争,冷血无情的反人类加沙大屠杀,就像人类中的邪恶魔鬼拿着尖刀,凶狠地,不断地,残忍地,用各种方式,狠狠不停歇地戳向整个人类胸膛,我不知道真正得利的是谁?因为覆巢之下 复有完卵乎?这种血淋淋的伤痛,给全人类造成的心理伤害,物质财产损失,不知道要多久才能够恢复。有些可能是永远的疤痕,还可能产生一连串的其他副作用。人类和平健康发展才是正确的价值。

It has been almost eight years since I started to communicate and meet with world leaders and business elites in 2016. In the past eight years, the world has been really turbulent and unprecedented. The great changes that have not happened in a century should be the great changes that have not happened in a thousand years. The great ship of human society will inevitably splash and splash as it adjusts its course to enter a new era. In recent years, natural disasters have occurred more frequently around the world, including various earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hail, tsunamis, etc., all of which occurred in abnormal and extreme circumstances. There are also various man-made disasters, various explosions, railway derailments, bridge crashes, robberies, burning, killing, shootings, etc., the scale and frequency of which are unprecedented, and the disasters caused are also large-scale. Whether it is the coronavirus that has ravaged the world and killed millions of people, or the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has left nearly a million people homeless, lost their lives, and put the country on the verge of extinction, Europe and China have followed the devil to shoot themselves in the foot, and the recent smoke-filled Israeli-Palestinian war, which is in danger of expanding the flames of war, and the cold-blooded and ruthless anti-human Gaza massacre, it is like the evil devil among humans holding a sharp knife, fiercely, constantly, cruelly, in various ways, and ruthlessly stabbing the entire human chest. I don’t know who really benefits? Because when the nest is overturned, can there be eggs that are intact? This bloody pain, the psychological damage caused to all mankind, and the loss of material property, I don’t know how long it will take to recover. Some may be permanent scars, and there may also be a series of other side effects. The peaceful and healthy development of mankind is the correct value.

我不知道全世界顶层的规划者心里在想什么? 他们在规划这些行动的时候,难道没有想过这些结果吗?我在以前的日记里写过,因为互联网将世界连通起来,所以人类如果要有一个美好的未来,就要将全世界的资源综合起来,合理优化运用。而世界的统一就让各国的军事势力没有了存在的必要。人类文明会进入一个新的形态,淡化国家边界,而代之以像电话服务有一定用户限额的区域,这样就有效地减少阻止国家间的冲突,也能更好地进行政治服务。因为政治的实质就是M&M(management make people happy). 而对于不同的服务内容,基于最小的服务行政区,可以将它们综合起来,就像洛杉矶的好几个城市共用一个高等法院一样。而对于相似文化和族群可以有更大的服务范围。中国和台湾可以是统一个文化区域,伊斯兰世界也可以成为一个统一文化区域,但是可以始终保持不同国家或者地区的政治体制。

I don't know what the top planners in the world are thinking? When they were planning these actions, didn't they think about these results? I wrote in my previous diary that because the Internet connects the world, if human beings want to have a better future, they must integrate the resources of the world and use them rationally and optimally. The unification of the world will make the military forces of various countries unnecessary. Human civilization will enter a new form, diluting national borders and replacing them with areas with certain user limits like telephone services. This will effectively reduce and prevent conflicts between countries and better provide political services. Because the essence of politics is M&M, (management makes people happy). As for different service contents, based on the smallest service administrative area, they can be integrated, just like several cities in Los Angeles share a high court. And for similar cultures and ethnic groups, there can be a larger service range. China and Taiwan can be a unified cultural area, and the Islamic world can also become a unified cultural area, but the political systems of different countries or regions can always be maintained.


In addition to the loss of military functions, basic order maintenance and monitoring management are still needed, and globalization also needs a currency that can be used as a standard, rather than the dollar dominating the world. The situation where Americans manipulate the dollar to reap the world cannot last long because it is unfair. Now many regions use their own currencies as a means of transaction delivery, because there is no standard currency in the world. And such financial independence will cause chaos and trouble in the future. The US national financial system is based on the dollar, which puts the United States above the world. The US economic structure is problematic. Because of the global unified planning, each place should have its own advantageous industries for development, and the development of civilization should be relatively balanced in the world, so that all mankind can live a happy life. This is the correct value.


Due to the development of information technology, the widespread application of the Internet covers the whole world, and the emergence of artificial intelligence, humans can use the Internet, information technology and artificial intelligence to influence all aspects of society. Some hacker organizations that unilaterally magnify certain functions of the Internet will use the Internet to create various incidents, causing negative impacts on individuals, groups and national society. The high technology created by humans should be for the benefit of mankind, not just for individual groups to make profits or cause harm to mankind. Human society has a wider space for these technologies to play a huge role effectively and legitimately. Just like the guns invented by humans, if there is no legal constraint, the bandits will use them to kill and set fire to endanger the people, but in modern society, they should be a means of maintaining order, which is the correct value.


Of course there are many more. What do the examples mentioned above that are causing unrest to the whole human race indicate? This only shows that the management system of civilized society has not yet been designed. Therefore, in order to maintain its existence, various existing and powerful forces in the world cannot find their way when the ship of human society turns. They run around like headless flies and bump into walls everywhere. Since the emergence of civilization, human society has had its own structure. This has been the case since ancient times. However, because human beings' understanding of the world is constantly improving, in each historical stage, human beings may only touch a part of the structure of the human civilization system according to their own needs. For example, before the French Revolution, rulers generally believed that the king's power was granted by God. China's thousands of years of feudal history, from abdication to hereditary rule, the emperor was the son of heaven. The government should provide public services, but the government at that time served the ruling class. However, the far-reaching French Enlightenment movement made people born equal, and freedom and democracy were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so there was the French Revolution that completely overthrew the French royal family. The modern Western political theory of separation of powers came from that time, and the legal systems of many countries were based on the value system foundation from history.


Therefore, an important part of the new civilization form and civilization management system is to establish a complete set of compatible value systems. What is a value system? Christianity is a value system, which provides people with a complete set of value choices for life, society, work, interpersonal relationships, interpersonal relationships, and so on. Confucius' Confucianism is also a value system. These are all for people to live a high-quality life. If you don't have a correct value system, then you don't know whether what you do is good or bad, whether it is right or wrong. Like the above, creating natural disasters and man-made disasters, anti-human killings, wars, playing with currency to plunder the world, and using information means to secretly stir up chaos in society are all wrong values. These are not necessary at all. You just need to design a new civilization management system, just like designing an operating system, and then do it according to the correct values. In the past, when designing wireless systems for AT&T, it was required to make the most of existing base stations, whether they were its own or those of other competitors, because this was the most cost-effective and easiest to maintain. I really don't understand why it has to be so horrible and chaotic. Because in the end, it is humans themselves who are unlucky!


The civilization management system is a new system. First of all, we need to clarify the structure of civilization. If Chinese think tanks say that there is no high or low civilization, then they must not understand what civilization is, let alone the structure of civilization. The US military here, although they invented the highways and the Internet across the United States, they lack understanding of humanities. And many of the superstructures and value systems belong to humanities. Humanities have never been the function of soldiers since ancient times. Now we are cooperating with the US strategic academic community. The high-tech talents in the United States and the West are mainly leading in high-tech fields related to natural sciences, while talents in the humanities field stick to Western values ​​and do not know how to use high-tech in natural sciences to solve problems related to the civilization system. Of course, I hope I am wrong. Because the establishment of a political system requires political theory to guide it, have they given the theory of values ​​created by the new civilization structure? Freedom, equality, and democracy are a small part of the social attributes of people. People have other attributes and other social attributes. If you understand the structure of civilization, then according to the correct values, you can define the political management structure based on the structure, including providing education, medical care, and various exchanges. On this basis, we also need to understand the structure of the economy, including different industries, production markets, and finance. Of course, we also need to meet different needs, including those of people and the environment, and consider the present and the future.


The civilization management system is like the nervous system of the entire human race. It must effectively control, optimize, process and equip all sectors of society and different areas of the environment. Therefore, those gangs that abuse information should return to the right path and establish a monitoring, inspection and processing system. I don't know if they know how to form a civilization management system. For example, if this system is to replace the existing military system that has existed in various countries for thousands of years and costs more than one trillion dollars a year, will these military people be willing to dig their own graves? Will the richest Jews in the world be willing to let their gold and power empire accumulated for many generations go down the drain? I think the gangs should be the happiest, because they used to just fight and sneak around, doing illegal things that harmed others and themselves, but now they finally have a broad world. If there is no constraint of correct values, they may have a more lawless world. Putin turned Jesus into a black-skinned person, which is absolutely wrong. God is an abstract concept created by humans and has nothing to do with people's skin color. The mixed-race skiers are praised as idols. People with a certain social status in the world know what snow and snowmen represent. The world is not managed by a certain group, but by the correct values. This is also the design concept of the new civilization management system. No matter what group you are in or what skin color you are, managers must operate according to the correct values. Just like everyone in the world can play iPad, of course, you can set your language environment. If they don't know the structure of the civilization management system and what is the correct value system, I may know.

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