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送交者: bondi[♂★★船老大★★♂] 于 2020-04-28 6:01 已读 1004 次  



In late December 2019, social media users shared a video clip of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo saying, “I was the CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole.”

The clip contained the green logo of RT, formerly Russia Today, a Russian government-controlled, state television network that broadcasts in English.


The idea that Pompeo had gone on the propaganda network of an adversarial foreign power to make derogatory remarks about an American intelligence agency drew rebuke.

But Pompeo did no such thing. He made the remark while visiting a university in Texas, and it was an aside made as part of a much longer response to a question about foreign policy.


贴主:bondi于2020_04_28 6:32:32编辑
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