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"I Met You" 俄罗斯民谣

送交者: realspiro[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-13 11:59 已读 98 次 1赞  



回答: 给你最后一首配个曲子: 由 realspiro 于 2024-04-13 11:55



"I met you"

I met you and the past

Came back to life in my dead heart.

Remembering a golden time,

My heart became so warm.

Just as in late autumn

There are days, the transient hour,

When suddenly spring wafts again

And something stirs within us,

So, winnowed within by the breath

Of fullness my soul knew in those years,

With a rapture I thought I'd forgotten,

I stare into your dear face.

As if we'd been apart for ages

I stare at you and think I'm dreaming,

And suddenly sounds unsilenced in me

Could be heard within me, but louder!

That was more than reminiscence:

My life began to talk once more,

As did in you that very same charm,

As did in my soul that very same love!
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