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送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-06 14:33 已读 2247 次  



回答: 11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-06 14:26

These twenty annoyances have “equal stream” nature, therefore are called Following Annoyances; and are further subdivided into three categories. The resentment, hate, concealment, etc. ten laws, each arises separately, therefore are called Small Following Annoyances. Shameless and sinless are prevalent in all nonbenevolent hearts, so they are called Medium Following Annoyances. Depression, drowsiness, unbelief, etc. eight laws are prevalent in all contaminated hearts, therefore are called Large Following Annoyances. 小随烦恼 Small Following Annoyances

I) Resentment, to the present unfavorable environments, outrage is its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant (cf. section 11.1) as body, holding crosier is its karma. Crosier is a juristic stick, a walking stick, but also a weapon like a club, and can be used as the stick to poke campfire. Harmony Sutra says that “holding crosier” is saying from the rough and fierce many points, in fact, also the vibrant colors (i.e., matter) include the ferocious filthy languages.

II) Hate, due to earlier resentment, bosom with ferocities not giving up, tying up complaints is its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant as body, heating up irritation is its karma.

III) Concealment, in self-inflicted sins, fearing of losing profits and fames, hiding is its nature; by greed’s and ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, regret and rage are its karma.

IV) Rage, due to earlier resentment, chasing triggering fervidity, brutal violences are its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant as body, maggots and nippers are its karma.

V) Jealousy, complying with own fames and profits, not countenancing other glories, grudge is its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant is body, gloomily vexation is its karma.

VI) Stinginess, indulging in wealth and laws, not able to beneficially donate, secretly hiding and miserly saving are its nature; by greed’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is vilely amassment.

VII) Deceit, for gain on benefit or fame, cheatingly exhibiting virtues, fraud is its nature; by greed’s and ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is heretical life.

VIII) Flattery, for hoodwinking other, deceitfully saying strange majesties is its nature; by greed’s and ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is hindering being taught and instructed.

IX) Harm, non-sympathy on sentient beings, damaging and enraging other are its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant as body, affiliating rage is its karma.

X) Contemptuousness, deeply intoxicated in one’s own victorious affairs, intoxicated arrogance is its nature; by arrogance’s first juristic quadrant as body, being depended by miscellaneously dyed laws is its karma.

插图11. X显示了夏娃生命的三个阶段。图1是基督教的夏娃在她长身体的年龄。图2是投胎卡特莉(Tlaltecuhtli),是25至39岁的墨西哥之母(即Chalchiuhtlicue;墨西哥的夏娃)。这个年龄段的夏娃非常傲慢,藐视他人;古墨西哥人用很宽的身体和眼睛长在了头顶来表示她的这个特质。图3-7是浴火重生之后的埃及夏娃在展示洗礼的整个过程。图6中,她头顶的是大般若舟,表明了什么?她在说: “大般若舟是我造的;所以众生可以用它来进行洗礼,或者用它作割礼的刀来切除精神污染。”
Illustration shows the three stages of Eve's life. Figure 1 shows the Christian Eve at the age when she grew physically. Figure 2 shows Tlaltecuhtli, the mother of Mexico (i.e., Chalchiuhtlicue; Eve of Mexico) at the age of 25 to 39. Eve at this age was very haughty and contemptuous of others; the ancient Mexicans represented this trait of hers with a very wide body and eyes that grew on top of her head. Figures 3-7 show the Egyptian Eve after her bath of fire, demonstrating the whole process of baptism. What is indicated in Figure 6 by the fact that she has the Greater Prajnaparamita Ark (aka Arrival Ark, aka Gnostic Ark, aka Noah’s Ark) on top of her head? She is saying: "Greater Arrival Ark was made by me; so that all sentient beings may use it for baptism or use it as a circumcision knife to remove spiritual pollution." 中随烦恼 Median Following Annoyances

XI) Shameless, disregarding the laws of self, lightly rejecting sages and benevolences is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, growing ferocious behaviors is its karma.

XII) Sinless, in defiance of the world, reverence for violence and ferocities is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, growing ferocious behaviors is its karma. 大随烦恼 Large Following Annoyances

XIII) Depression, having heart disquietude on environments is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, hindering “migration renunciation” and samatha (i.e., equality hold) is its karma. Disquietude is a common phenomenon of annoyances. The self-referential clamor of depression prevents aggregative hearts and laws belonging to hearts from being aroused to perform their normal functions.

XIV) Drowsiness, having heart unqualified to perform its duty on environments is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, hindering vipassana (i.e., gnostic view) is its karma. Samatha-vipassana is a Sanskrit word; samatha was translated in Han as “equality hold”, which is the empty set of Aggregate Arousal (cf. section 14.1), and Vipassana was translated in Han as “gnostic view”, which is to see the world by the four factors in Aggregate Arousal.

XV) Unbelief, not countenancing and laughingly desiring to factual virtues and abilities, heart’s filths are its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is the being depended by laziness.

XVI) Slackness, on affairs of severing ferocious laws and cultivating benevolent laws, laziness is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is to escalate dyes.

XVII) Indulgence, not dyeing immaculate laws, not defending cultivations, going with randomly intentions at large is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as its body, its karma is to hate ferocities and damage benevolences.

XVIII) Loss spell, on those objective environments, not clearly remembering is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, being depended by agitation is its karma.

XIX) Agitation, on objective environments, having heart dispersed is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, being depended by ferocious gnosis is its karma.

XX) Incorrect Know, on being observed environments, wrong interpretation is its nature; by ignorance’s and gnosis’ first juristic quadrant as body, regretting transgressions is its karma. 不定法 Uncertain Laws

Regret, sleep, seeking, and awaiting, the four laws uncertainly appear in benevolent laws, dyed laws, etc., not as if touch, attention, acceptance, etc. certainly pervade in all hearts, not like desire, resolution, spell, etc. certainly pervade all heartlands; therefore, they are named as Uncertain Laws.

I) Regret, also known as Detesting Deed, abominating what had done past, chasing repentance is its nature; hindering samatha (i.e., equality hold) is its karma.

II) Sleep, having heart insufficient and gloomy, skipping on aggregate objective environments is tis nature; hindering vipassana (i.e., gnostic view) is its karma.

III) Seeking, having heart hasty, intentionally saying of environments by intention, having heart turning rough is its nature; by mean’s and gnosis’ first juristic quadrant as body, having heart not quietly dwell is its karma.

IV) Awaiting, having heart hasty, intentionally saying of environments by intention, having heart turning slim is its nature; by mean’s and gnosis’ first juristic quadrant as body, having heart not quietly dwell is its karma.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_10_24 22:40:34编辑

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