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11.4.2, 3 受蕴和想蕴 Acceptance Node and Think Node

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-06 14:27 已读 2262 次  



回答: 11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-05 12:10

11.4.2 受蕴 Acceptance Node 

Acceptance is one of the heartland laws, what can accept is man, what is accepted is feeling of acceptance. Acceptance Node is the sum of the accumulated bodies of the sentient being's eye-senses’, ear-senses’, nose-senses’, tongue-senses’, body-senses’, and intent-senses’ bitter laugh etc. accepting habits. Acceptance can generate desire for love, can be sorted into five categories: bitter acceptance, laugh acceptance, renunciative acceptance, gloomy acceptance, delightful acceptance.

Bitter acceptance, when receiving adverse environment, body and heart feel being forced; with body-sense as heart, the “feeling of being forced” is bitter acceptance.

Laugh acceptance, when receiving suitable or beneficial environment, body and heart are pleased, delighted; with body-sense as heart, the happiness is named as laugh acceptance.

Gloomy acceptance, when receiving adverse environment, body and heart feel being forced; with Intent (i.e., preconscious) as heart, the “being forced” is named as gloomy acceptance.

Delightful acceptance, when receiving adoptable or beneficial environment, body and heart are pleased, delightful; with Intent (i.e., preconscious) as heart, the “enjoyable delight” is named as delightful acceptance.

Renunciative acceptance, when receiving neutral, neither adoptable nor adverse environment, body and heart are neither enjoyable delightful nor being forced, that is named as “neither bitter nor laugh acceptance”, what renunciative acceptance is. Because when people meet “neither laugh nor bitter acceptance”, the neutral feeling, people intent to abandon, give up, leave, therefore, the kind of acceptance is named renunciative acceptance.

Eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, and body-sense, the first five senses correspond to laugh acceptance, laugh acceptance, and renunciative acceptance. The sixth sense (i.e., intent-sense, consciousness) corresponds to all five types of acceptances. The seventh sense (i.e., the pre-consciousness, Eve-sense, intent) corresponds to gloomy acceptance, renunciative acceptance, and delightful acceptance. The unconscious (ancient as God-sense) corresponds only to renunciative acceptance, does not correspond to any other acceptance.

11.4.3 想蕴 Think Node

Think is one of heartland laws, with the nature of fetching images; it generates the internal environment and contributes to the arising of all kinds of namely speech. Eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, body-sense, and intent-sense, along life the six senses each accumulates a body of think habits; Think Node is the total of the six bodies of accumulations. Overall, there are two kinds of thinks, Think with Image, and Think without Image.

Think with Image is heart (i.e., mind) state that is capable of fetching phenomena, then generating kinds of lingual speeches; the state has two significances: with clarity, and with discrimination. From the root point of view, there are six kinds of Think with Image: think born from eye-root, think born from ear-root, up to think born from intent-root. In terms of environmental boundaries, Thinks with Images can be divided into desire boundary (see illustration 11.4.2) think, color boundary think, “edgeless empty place” think, and so on.

Think without Image is absence of clarity or absence of distinction or absence of both, in either the aggregative heart or the being aggregated environment. Think without Image can be categorized into the following three types:

(1) Think of not good at talking, such as babies in desire boundary (see illustration 11.4.2), etc., because they have not learned language, when they encounter environmental boundaries, although there are images in the environmental boundary, they can not discriminate and completely understand those are colors.

(2) Think of no phenomena boundary, i.e., nirvana think, which is afar the ten phenomena: color, sound, incense, taste, touch, man, woman, birth, mutation, and extinction. Nirvana has not phenomena; think in nirvana is named as No Phenomena Think. Think is by fetching image as property, if there are not phenomena, why would we call it a type of think? There is pervasively non-changing constant in nirvana. The constants are such as turquoise, yellow, red, or white, are constants of Equation of Life, are nameless numberless quantity-less, are not colors, are not phenomena.

(三)有顶想,即是 “非想非非想处”想。如图11.4.2-1至22,那22种境界人人都有,故名为有;不过一般佛教中说的有是指欲界、色界、无色界,这三种有。有顶的意思是三有之顶,三界之顶,即非想非非想天。在非想非非想处,虽有分别,想不明利,有情不能于境勾画种种相状,故名无相想。
(3) Have Summit Think is “neither think nor non-think place” think. As shown in Figures 11.4.2-1 through 22, those 22 kinds of environmental boundaries are present in everyone, hence 22 haves; however, generally in Buddhism Have refers to the desire boundary, color boundary and non-color boundary. “Have Summit” means it is summit of Three Boundaries, which is “neither think nor non-think sky”. In the sky, there is discrimination, but absent clarity, sentient being there can not outline kinds of phenomena, therefore think in the sky is named as No Phenomena Think.

注解11.4.2、3 天门山 Sky Door Mountain

受为所取;想为能取。受蕴是所取的积聚;想蕴是能取的累积。此二取习气是世间本,驱使众生日夜劳作,年复一年,日积月累了两座大山一样的业, 阻挡了金童玉女重返天庭之路,遂有天门山(如图11.4.2-16所示)之说。这天门山的双峰就是受蕴和想蕴。
Acceptance is the being fetched; Think is the capable to fetch. Acceptance node is the embodiment of the being fetched; think node is the accumulation of fetch. The two fetch hobbies are the essence of mundaneness, driving people to work day and night, month after year, accumulated two mountains of karma, blocked Adam, and Eve’s path back Eye-den Garden, hence the name of Sky Door Mountain (as shown in Figure 11.4.2-16) came to exist. The mountain’s twin peaks are Acceptance Node and Think Node.

Illustration 11.4.2 is from the Mexican Codex, and as reader can see from Illustrations 16, 36, and 38 right, the mountain also has the meaning of a sorcerer's peaked cap. Author I believes that the hat is the Buddhist theory of "cover", the same as the Islamic theory of the head-wrapping and the scarf (e.g., Illustration 38, right) (see Section 14.2).

那怎样移除那两座山,打开天门呢?插图17是山根,是祖窍(如图36)的入口。中华文化中,人中,亦名山根,亦名祖窍。笔者认为 “人中(如图37)” 那位置的运动可以代表身口意的行为。解脱的办法之一就是谨言慎行 (参见13.1节),如插图35。插图35是墨西哥的重生之母蔻忑鹠鸺 (Coatlicue),她就把自己的 “人中” 锁起来了。
So how to remove those two mountains and open the door to heaven? Illustration 17 is the root of the mountain, which is the entrance to the ancestral cave (as in Figure 36). In Chinese culture, Renzhong (i.e., human center; see illustration 37) is also known as Mountain-Root and Ancestral Cave. Author, I believe that the movement of that position can represent the behavior of the body, mouth, and intention. One of the ways of liberation is to be careful with one's words and actions (see Section 13.1), as in Illustration 35, which shows Mexican rebirth mother, Coatlicue, who keeps her "human center" locked up.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_10_17 8:05:00编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_06 23:51:06编辑

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