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11.6.3 士用果 Warrior Usage Fruit

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-06 14:22 已读 2334 次  



回答: 11.6 五果 Five Fruits 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-05 12:09

Warrior usage fruit, which is the undertakings done by the maker with the help of tools and media, such as farmers harvesting crops, merchants warehousing and transporting goods to obtain monetary profits, and monks using Buddha’s fruits to solve donators’ muddles and transcendently ferry them.

士用果的原因是 “能”,即能作因,亦作观待因,即人的主观能动性中的 “能”,即集起四缘 {能缘缘,所缘缘,等流缘,增上缘} 中的能缘缘。那这 “能” 是个什么东西?
The cause of warrior usage fruit is "able", namely “Able as Reason”, also known as cause of “watching that, awaiting here”, that is the “able” among human subjective initiative, that is the “able-to-aggregate factor” among Aggregate Arousal’s four factors {able-to-aggregate factor (i.e., subjective), being-aggregated factor (i.e., objective), equal-stream factor, escalatory factor}. Then, what is this “able”?

“能”这位法在佛教中被说成了“随念自我”,名作儒童,是大神天(如图11.6.3-8所示)。此 “能”在中华文化中称作福,亦作大力神,印度教中作婆罗门(Bramin),基督教伊斯兰教和古埃及文化中称作亚伯(Abel),日耳曼文化中作马格尼(Magni),墨西哥文化中作灵龙(Quetzalcoatl)。
The law of Able is referred to in Buddhism as the "internal along-thought ego”, and is called Juvenile, is the Great God Sky as shown figure 11.6.3-8. The law of Able is called Fortune and Great Strength God in Chinese culture, Bramin in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity Islam and Ancient Egyptian culture, Magni in Germanic culture, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican culture.

思想意识开始就是 “望彼待此”的状态;“彼”是客观对象,“此”就是前意识的根据地。前意识 总是“执着”此处和此处的事物,此执着处的光就有微弱的“自证”功能,即微弱的自我,即随念自我。随着前意识的移动,处所和所执着的东西不断地更新;这样后面就遗留下了微弱自我(谢灭了的思想)的痕迹。这痕迹就是 “转移身见”,梵语萨迦耶见,圣经作塞斯(Seth),口语中的 “我”,即是图14的帝释天。
Consciousness begins with the state of "watching that, awaiting here”; “that” is objective, “here” the immediate area and whatever things are obsessed by preconsciousness (aka Eve-sense), and light around here has Self-Evidence function, which is a very weak (or tiny) ego, is internal along-thought ego. Along preconsciousness moves, the obsessed place and whatever thing renewed, then left a trace of tiny ego-es (i.e., faded thoughts), which is “translocation body view”, is Seth (Fig 14), is Sanskrit satkāya-dṛṣṭi, is oral word I.

Able as reason or watching-that awaiting-here reason is established in accordance with the place of acceptance, i.e., in accordance with the subjective and objective nature of receiving. The cause of watching-that awaiting-here is that watching and awaiting here can cause all things to be born or to sustain or to establish or to obtain; accordingly, the cause can be divided into two meanings.

(1) In the case of human beings, this power usage is generated by sentient beings, such as the farmer who pounds wheat into flour, or the merchant who manages his money and makes a profit, all of which are generated by the human powers. (2) As far as law is concerned, all laws come into being by means of various means, such as the farmer harvesting crops and the merchant profiting from goods. Combining these two meanings, the warrior usage fruit, is the career that the maker accomplishes by relying on his tools, and this fruit is broadly applicable to all “have as laws” which means I laws, mundane laws.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_11_13 6:31:55编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_06 23:51:20编辑

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