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7.5.3 慧伤痴 Gnosis Harms Ignorance

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-05 23:37 已读 651 次  



回答: 7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-05 23:21

I replied: "I just met you, why am I trying to pinch you! Besides, I don't have the ability to make you speechless!"


Eve Liu muttered: "I feel strange too. We just met, why do you keep pinching me! Indeed! You don't have the ability to make me speechless. I think you are right about this clause. You understand this when you talk to your uncle you explain it in systematically sequence. He will understand what he has experienced, to those he has not experienced, he will not be afraid when he encounters it in the future. "

But I stared, not knowing what to say or how to tell my uncle.

She said: "Now I'm going to help you organize these items we've discussed." After speaking, she asked me to lecture her.
When Eve Liu heard me speak these clauses of the Transcendental Ferry, she was very angry and said: "You're pinching me! How is it that you speak better than I do? It's also many sets of words, why do you ask me if you know!"

I replied: "I don't know it before! I read the preface of the Maha Paramita Sutra (i.e. Greater Ark Sutra) in a magazine. I didn't understand it and thought that if I memorized it and could understand it in the future, I would have some merit. Even if I can't figure it out, these lines are so literate that I can use them manifest strange, to clamor for attention, to say something that no one can understand to make a new point."

When she heard this, she praised me: "That's a great idea!" But when she turned around, she was so exasperated that she cried. I asked her what was wrong again. She said: "I grew up thinking I understood this, that it was one of my strengths, but my dad always said I didn't understand. Now, even you understand it, and I still don't! What's wrong with me!?"

When I heard this, I was furious: how is it that I insulted you to tears by understanding this little affair! You despise me from your bones! Why do you still want to fall in love with me! I don't want to talk about it! I turned around and walked away. After walking out for some distance, I thought it's too rude to leave like this! So, I walked back.


Eve Liu asked me: "You really didn't understand these words before?"
I replied: "Where would I know, I'm not married!"

她叨咕:“这事和结没结婚有什么关系!我也没结婚呢!” 她一转身,笑了,问:“为什么没结婚就不能知道这几句话?”
She muttered: "What does this have to do with being married or not! I'm not married either!" She turned around, laughed, and asked: "Why can't you know these words if you're not married?"
I said coyly, "It's a rural saying."

She immediately said: "When I was in high school, I heard that there are reasons behind many of the old folk sayings that we don't know. When I was in college, there was this internship program to investigate folk sayings, and I took it. We believe in this, so think about it, why did you just say that? I want to hear it."

我说:“小时候,我们村子里有人作法事。那个被作法的人死前想见见我父母。法师就派助理来找我父母,对我妈说:我先给你讲讲给人送终要说的几句话;这几句话不让小孩儿听,因为慧能害痴。我妈说:不痴,还不好?! 那个法师助理说:老辈子们说,太痴了不好,但没痴也不好。不痴情对谈恋爱和婚后生活都有不好的影响。”
I said: "When I was a kid, someone in our village performed a ‘Juristic Affair’. The man who had been amended wanted to meet my parents before he died. The Juristic Teacher then sent his assistant to my parents and said to my mom: ‘I'll first tell you the few sentences of Transcendental Ferry. These words are not to be listened to by children because gnosis harms ignorance. My mom said, ‘isn’t that good to not be ignorant?’ That juristic assistant said, ‘The old lifers say that it's neither good to be too non-ignorant nor good to be very ignorant. Non-ignorant has a bad effect on falling in love and on married life."

Eve Liu stopped laughing after hearing this and said after thinking for a while: "There is this saying. When I first went to the hospital for my internship, I heard that they also told this to the patients, I was curious to know if what they told was the same as what my father told, so I asked. The old doctor said, ‘You young people, should not learn this! Think again, what else did you hear?’"


I said: "They went, and I followed. When I got not far from that house, there were ‘Juristic Defenders’ (i.e. guardians) outside watching and not letting in. A few people were chattering with the young Juristic Defender (i.e. Juristic Teacher’s assistants or disciples). The young man said, ‘The masters don't teach us, and they don't show us the book. The masters said, ‘What is the Sky Book, the Book of Death and Life? It is just a set of books, and no one cares who reveals the secrets; when you are forty years old, we will surely give each of you a set of the books. It is for your own good that we do not teach you now. If you don't know anything now, then you succeed in finding a spouse, it would be like a blind cat bumping into a dead rat. In fact, this is the best way to find a spouse. When you blind cats go out, you're bound to run into a dead rat.”

"If we teach you and let you read the books, your Gnostic Eye (see section 7.5.2) and Juristic Eye (see section 7.5.1) will open. When you have “Reading Others Mind Through” (an ancient method of psychoanalysis; the Gnostic Eye includes “Reading Others Mind Through”), and you specialize in looking at people's dark sides. People who have dark experiences are not necessarily bad people, but you think that they are strange. You see this as evil, that as crooked, and over time, you yourselves grow crooked and become weird. Gnosis hurts ignorance. No ignorance, you are not focused on love, today with this talk, tomorrow with that talk, recruiting three, four, in the end, which will not be able to, to delay your own.”

I continued: "When your juristic eye open, you would analyze the match between your personality and the spouse and use the bars to set and the boxes to choose. Then looking for a spouse, three or two years to meet a qualified. Then with your juristic eyes, this has a demonic hindrance, that has karmic hindrance, are all demons and monsters, want to find a human is difficult, that your spouse how to find!"
Eve Liu said: "I hear this argument is quite reasonable!"

↪️返回第7章《东北大学》的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 7

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_24 15:25:19编辑

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