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11.6.5 增上果 Escalatory Fruit

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-05 17:29 已读 2307 次  



回答: 11.6 五果 Five Fruits 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-05 12:09

增上果是说俱有因之果,是说在集起的四缘 {能缘,所缘,等流缘,增上缘} 中,除前三缘之外的所有元素,由或顺或违或不障之功而为集起的增上因。此增上果是昔日所作的果。增上的因素就事而论有很多,但从胜处而言,只有22处。当知,增上缘即是这二十二处或根。根是因义,增上义。
Escalatory Fruit is said to be the fruit of a joint cause, that is to say, of the four elements of Aggregate Arousal {able, objective, equal stream, escalation}, all elements other than the first three causes are escalatory causes of the set-arising, by the effects of either promoting or contradicting or un-hindering. The escalatory fruits in this set-up are the fruits of what are done in the past. There are many factors of escalation as far as affairs are concerned, but in terms of the victorious places, there are only twenty-two. When it is known that the escalatory factors are these twenty-two places or roots. Root is the meaning of cause, the meaning of escalation.

The twenty-two roots are (1) eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, body root, intent root, (7) male root, female root, life root, (10) bitter root, laugh root, renunciation root, gloomy root, delight root, (15) faith root, diligence root, spell root, still root, gnostic root, (20) root of unknowing which should be known, known root, root of all-knowing all-seeing.

一至六,眼耳等六根是十二生长处中的内六处,参见11.3节。七至九,男根是男人的生殖器;女根是女性的生殖器。命根是无意识,因为无意识的异熟果不断地流出可以维持众生的身心及业。十至十四,苦乐等是五受根,参见11.4. 2节的受蕴。十五至十九,信、念等是五善根,参见11.4.4.1. 3的善法。二十至二十二是三无漏根。未知当知根,就是不知,不懂四圣谛。四胜谛参见第13至16章,已知根,就是已经知道了,已经懂得了四圣谛。俱知根,就是悉知悉见,就是涅槃,参见第15章。
One to six, the six roots, including the eyes and ears, are the inner six of the twelve growth places; see section 11.3. Seven to nine, the male root is the genitals of men; the female root is the genitals of women. Life root is unconsciousness because its variationally fruits flowing out succeedingly sustain sentients’ lives, bodies, karmas. Ten to fourteen, Bitterness, happiness, etc., are the five acceptance roots, cf. the Acceptance Node of Section 11.4.2. Fifteen through nineteen, faith, spell, etc. are the five benevolent roots, cf. the Benevolent Laws of Section Twenty to twenty-two are the three non-defilement roots. “Root of unknowing which should be known”, is four victorious cruxes, cf. chapter 13 to 16. “Known root” is having understood the four victorious cruxes. “Root of all-knowing all-seeing” is nirvana, cf. chapter 15.

The following is an understanding of the escalatory fruits based on the escalatory fruits of the ten good and ten evils.

I) The escalatory fruits of killing karma are that it can cause all fields and forests to lose their fertility, grains and fruits are harvested less, expensive things don’t show up. On the contrary, not killing, all capitals produce lovable fruits.

II) The escalatory fruits of stealing karma can cause ferocious pests in grass trees and fruits and can lead to show up of frost hail and famine disasters. All people of the same kind, whether in a family a county or a country, are victimized. On the contrary, not stealing, a family and a village a county and a country, all by their fortunate power induce benefits.

III) The escalatory fruits of heretical sexual conductions karma can cause the land to suffer from the harm of storms and the poison of filthy dusts. On the contrary, not committing heretical sex does not induce climate changes.

IV) The escalatory fruits of the delusional speech karma, due to the fact of deceiving others with vile intent, the karmic escalation can cause external objects to be defiled and impure, all purposes are always disappointed; words lose their credibility, and commands are disobeyed and not carried out. On the contrary, not saying delusional speech can achieve all things without any despair.

V) The escalatory fruits of floral language karma can cause officials to lose their positions, businessmen to lose their profits, and grasses and trees to be filled with thorns and poisonous plants. On the contrary, not saying floral language, officials and businessmen are always prosperous, and the mountains and rivers all are agreeable.

VI) The escalatory fruits of ferocious mouth karma are that lives are full of evil things such as stones and glass debris, and thorns and thistles kinds of ferocious things are at touchable distance, there are many not freedoms. On the contrary, not having a ferocious mouth, one has many freedoms.

VII) The escalatory fruits of two-tongue karma, escalatory power of sowing discord can cause the earth to be uneven, mountains and hills to be abrupt, roads to be rugged and rocky, and crops to fail to flourish. On the contrary, not saying of two-tongue, place and places are pleasantly agreeable.

VIII) The escalatory fruits of greedy desire karma can cause a lack of harvest and a shortfall in wealth. On the contrary, the world is prosperous, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and they handle affairs easily, and often encounter honorable people.

IX) The escalatory fruits of irritation and rage karma can increase wars intensity, military and weaponry are not extinct, vines and thorns are everywhere, fruits and vegetables are bitter and harsh. On the contrary, neighbors are in harmony, and all industries are booming; the winds and rains are favorable, the garden lands are prosperous, and the mountains the rivers are pleasant.

X) The escalatory fruits of the heretical view karma, due to the severance and permanence edge views, not believing in retributions of good and evil, and principles of cause and effect, can cause the mundane world to lose its benevolent hearts. This escalatory power can lead to the loss of the vessel world's fine colors fragrances and tastes, and the lack of harvests on all kinds of grains.

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