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How to change the world by changing yourself

送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2024-04-02 18:50 已读 1727 次  



回答: What are the reasons for living in a world 由 湖叶 于 2024-04-01 22:53

There is a word those people who see themselves as God's agents like to use : humble.

But actually we can see their inside arragant in nearly each statement made by them.

So if you want to change the world by changing yourself,

the first thing you should do is not to change some appearance such as daily behaving, e.g. smiling or hi five,

but to remind yourself your ignorance every morning.

Remember you don't know anything about the God, even if this name God is right or wrong. Why you don't think this title is probably too much simple for him. Why he is not beyond those concept regarding high or low, big or little.

By studying tv drama, we can know nothing about how the television work,

those who get a glimpse of other channel don't know about it better than you either.

The First Cause is unnamable,

because if there is a God, he would not need an agent,

he probably accept those people who consider themselves as his agent to call him as a God.

But he is not just a God.

He is who behind everything, it means he is the ultimate secret always concealed by all of these things, including all kinds of holy names.

We’d better admit our ignorance, be actually humble, not just use this word to decorate yourself.

If everyone can do that, this world would be very different.

People would be more united certainly.
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