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做印度馕饼Naan - 铸铁锅烙饼的时候馕会鼓起像个小气球 6p

送交者: 飞扬的蒲公英[★品衔R6★] 于 2024-03-04 15:58 已读 3441 次 2赞  


做印度馕饼Naan - 铸铁锅烙饼的时候馕会鼓起像个小气球 6park.com

Indian Naan - it puffs up like a little balloon when grilled 6park.com

留园手机端升级,关注朋友动态,快捷浏览! 6park.com

材料: 6park.com

面粉2.5杯(350公克), 酵母1茶匙, 糖1茶匙, 盐0.5茶匙, 橄榄油1汤匙, 原味酸奶3/4杯 6park.com

Ingredients 6park.com

All purpose flour 2.5 cups (350 g), Yeast 1 tsp, Sugar 1 tsp ,  Salt 0.5 tsp,  6park.com

Olive oil 1 tbsp, Plain yogurt 1/3 cup 6park.com

把所有材料加入搅拌机碗里 6park.com

Add all ingredients to the mixer bowl 6park.com

搅拌机搅拌5-6分钟 6park.com

Mix for 5-6 minutes 6park.com

面团发酵40分钟左右至2倍大 6park.com

Let the dough ferment for about 40 minutes until doubled in size 6park.com

拿出面团,揉一下面,排气 6park.com

Take the dogh out and Knead it for a while and release the air 6park.com

将面团分成8份 6park.com

Divide the dough into 8 portions 6park.com

将每个小面团擀开 6park.com

Roll out each small piece of dough 6park.com

铸铁锅涂上食用油放在炉子上加热 6park.com

Coat a cast iron pan with cooking oil and place it on the stove to heat 6park.com

把擀平的面饼放到烧热的锅上,炉子调到中小火 6park.com

Place the flattened dough on the heated pan, turn the stove to medium-low heat 6park.com

翻动面饼,双面加热 6park.com

Flip the flattened dough and heat on both sides 6park.com

过一会儿,热锅上的面饼开始充气鼓起来 6park.com

After a while, the naan on the heated pan starts to puff up 6park.com

最后馕饼鼓起象个小气球 6park.com

The naan puffs up like a little balloon 6park.com

把其它几个馕饼都烤好了 6park.com

All other naan are done in the same way 6park.com

香喷喷的馕做好了 6park.com

Delicious naan! 6park.com


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