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我比较好奇的是按摩或针灸的穴位是否与Pressure Points一样。

送交者: 影云[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2023-12-10 12:53 已读 3653 次  



回答: 经络——中国人最荒诞的发明 由 立 于 2023-12-10 8:54

Acupuncture points and pressure points are related concepts, but they are not exactly the same. Here are the key differences:

Acupuncture Points:

Origin: Acupuncture points are specific locations on the body that are traditionally associated with the meridian system in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Purpose: These points are used in acupuncture, a traditional healing practice, to stimulate the flow of vital energy (qi) along the meridians, promoting balance and harmony in the body.

Stimulation: Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into these points to achieve therapeutic effects. The depth and technique of needling can vary based on the condition being treated.

Pressure Points:

Broader Concept: Pressure points, or trigger points, are broader and can be found throughout the body. They are areas where pressure or stimulation may result in a therapeutic response or pain relief.

Variety of Systems: While some pressure points align with acupuncture points, others are associated with different systems, such as the nervous system or muscular system.

Stimulation: Pressure points can be stimulated using various methods, including massage, manual pressure, or even the application of heat. The goal is often to relieve tension, pain, or discomfort in the associated area.


Some acupuncture points are also considered pressure points. For example, acupressure is a technique that involves applying pressure to acupuncture points without the use of needles.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the focus is on balancing the flow of energy along meridians, whereas pressure points in other practices may be targeted for their effects on the nervous system, muscular system, or circulation.

In summary, acupuncture points are a specific concept within the traditional Chinese medicine framework, while pressure points are a broader concept that can be applied across various therapeutic approaches, including but not limited to acupuncture.
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