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赫本的蜂腰真是一绝,才20 inch 相当于51 cm

送交者: Amazed[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2023-10-14 2:08 已读 4580 次  



回答: 一直想买一条漂亮简洁的小黑裙 但感觉必须要有赫本那么纤细的身 由 Cindy519 于 2023-10-13 21:13


Hepburn survived starvation during World War II, which her family has said may have contributed to her lifelong thinness. The daughter of a Dutch baroness and a British father who left the family when Hepburn was 6, she barely survived the German occupation of Holland, which began when she was 11.

"People think because she was skinny that she had an eating disorder, but it's not true," says her son, Luca Dotti. "She loved Italian food and pasta. She ate a lot of grains, not a lot of meat, and a little bit of everything."
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