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Petition to end China's censorship in the USA

送交者: N19951225[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2023-10-13 14:07 已读 16471 次  


Petition to end China's censorship and information manipulation on the information environment in the USA


We, the undersigned, are increasingly concerned about China's censorship and manipulation of American media and social media platforms. In the past year or two, we have noticed that Chinese cyberpolice and overseas agents have infiltrated Western social media, assuming roles such as editors, moderators, and administrators. Their purpose is to spread false and misleading information, censor the information they wish to hide, and disrupt public discourse. This observation aligns with the recent US State Department report on 'How the People's Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment.'

Unfortunately, most of the American public is unaware of China's censorship and information manipulation because it primarily targets narratives related to China that may not immediately concern them. However, we firmly believe that our current knowledge is just the tip of the iceberg of a larger problem.

A case known as the 'Harvard Doctorate Incident' in China demonstrates that Chinese cyberpolice and agents can manipulate overseas media platforms to allow false information to persist in the international information space for over two decades without being exposed.

The 'Harvard Doctorate Incident' was a media defamation campaign initiated by the Chinese Communist Youth League's mouthpiece, China Youth Daily, with the aim of destroying the reputation and career of Dr. Chen Lin, the first Chinese graduate of Harvard Kennedy School. However, it is not an isolated media event. It encompasses a series of escalating events, including spreading rumors and defamation, threats, and attempted murder, spanning over two decades.

It therefore reveals the dark side of Chinese state media that is largely unknown to the public.  Because of this,  Chinese cyber authorities have consistently blocked the truth of the incident for over two decades. Within China, they have completely banned Dr. Chen Lin's narratives and refutation of the Daily's accusations. Overseas, Chinese cyberpolice and agents lurking on American social media platforms, acting as editors, moderators, and administrators, have  shadow-banned, marginalized, and deleted Dr. Chen Lin's narratives on  Wikipedia, Reddit, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, and Google.

In this way, Chinese cyberpolice has effectively targeted and silenced an individual on a global scale. China's censorship and information manipulation have proven distressfully effective. Even sharp and experienced Western journalists are either unaware of the 'Harvard Doctorate Incident' , once a national  sensation  in China, or misinformed of it by China's troll army.

When the internet was first introduced to the public over two decades ago, then-President Clinton expressed hope that it would promote universal values and democratic governance in China. However, it has become evident that the internet is now being manipulated and controlled by Chinese authorities as a powerful tool to disseminate false information, distort facts, conceal crimes, and surveil dissidents. Nevertheless, we believe it is not too late to take action.

This petition urges the Biden administration and US lawmakers to put an end to China's censorship and information manipulation on American media platforms. We must ensure the free flow of information in the Western world, preserve a clean information environment, and safeguard freedom of speech for both Americans and the Chinese diaspora communities.
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