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The Harvard Doctorate Incident: an Incredible Story

送交者: N19951225[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2023-09-13 13:45 已读 16218 次  


The Harvard Doctorate Incident: an Incredible Story that Was Suppressed for Over 20 years

In a shocking revelation, the suppressed story of the "Harvard Doctorate Incident" has come to light after being hidden for over two decades. This incident, which took place in China, involves a returning overseas Chinese intellectual and a political persecution orchestrated by the Communist Youth League faction of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Communist Youth League faction, composed of former high-ranking officials of the Communist Youth League, was dismantled at last year's 20th National Congress of the CCP. However, their influence and actions during their existence have left a lasting impact.

The incident revolves around Dr. Lin Chen, a Harvard University graduate who had worked in the West for several years. In May 2002, he was invited back to China to serve as the president of a private university, becoming the first Harvard PhD to return to China to work full-time in decades. Dr. Chen's return garnered significant attention and he was welcomed like a celebrity.

However, the China Youth Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Youth League and the mouthpiece of the Youth League faction, published a front-page report accusing Dr. Chen of falsifying his Harvard PhD. This accusation, despite being baseless, had a detrimental impact on Dr. Chen's reputation.

The China Youth Daily fabricated evidence to support their claim, including a statement from a purported Harvard advisor who denied knowing Dr. Chen. However, this evidence was quickly debunked by a third-party investigation conducted by the Beijing News. The investigation confirmed that Dr. Chen's Harvard PhD was genuine and that the evidence presented by the China Youth Daily was false.

Despite the truth being revealed, the damage had already been done. Dr. Chen's reputation was irreparably tarnished, and even after more than 20 years, some still question the authenticity of his Harvard PhD.

The incident raises questions about the role of media and the lack of accountability in China. The China Youth Daily faced no consequences for fabricating evidence and continued to publish articles making baseless allegations against Dr. Chen. The motives behind their actions remain unclear, but it is speculated that the Communist Youth League faction saw Dr. Chen as a potential challenger to their power and sought to eliminate him before he gained prominence.

This suppressed story serves as a reminder of the dangers of fabricated and manipulated media reports. It highlights the need for transparency, accountability, and the protection of individuals' reputations. The "Harvard Doctorate Incident" stands as a testament to the importance of truth-seeking journalism and the consequences of its absence.
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