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Dr. Chen Narrowly Escaped an Assassination Attempt in NYC

送交者: N19951225[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2023-07-15 19:45 已读 16395 次  


Dr. Chen Narrowly Escaped an Assassination Attempt in NYC


Subheadline: Dr. Chen is targeted for trying to expose the crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Youth League.



New York City - Dr. Lin Chen, a Harvard-educated scholar, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by Chinese thugs in the bustling streets of New York City last week. The incident has raised concerns about the safety of Chinese scholars abroad and the suppression of dissenting voices within China.


Dr. Chen, an expert in computational finance and quantum computing and the first Chinese national to graduate from the Harvard Kennedy School, returned to China in 2002 with hopes of contributing to his home country's development. However, being perceived as a challenge to the Chinese Communist Youth League, he became the target of a defamatory campaign launched by the China Youth Daily, a national newspaper run by the Chinese Communist Youth League.


The newspaper launched a series of false allegations against Dr. Chen, tarnishing his reputation and derailing his career. Dr. Chen was denied the opportunity to defend himself publicly, and independent media outlets were prevented from investigating the allegations.


In recent years, Dr. Chen and his assistants have attempted to counter the false narrative by sharing their side of the story with overseas Chinese communities. However, their efforts have been met with disinformation and cyberattacks by agents affiliated with the China Youth Daily.


The situation took a sinister turn when an online forum participant, claiming to be an editorial director of the China Youth Daily, inadvertently revealed a plot to assassinate Dr. Chen during a discussion. This revelation heightened concerns about the safety of Dr. Chen, who has been under constant digital surveillance and faced harassment from China's thugs and secret police while residing in the United States.


Last week, the assassination attempt unfolded on the streets of New York City, where Dr. Chen narrowly escaped a kidnapping and murder plot orchestrated by Chinese thugs, likely sent by the Communist Youth League. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for increased protection for Chinese scholars and activists living abroad.


The international community is closely monitoring the situation, as Dr. Chen's case highlights the challenges faced by individuals who dare to challenge the Chinese Communist Youth League's authority and the lengths to which they will go to silence dissenting voices.


Authorities in the United States have been alerted to the incident, and investigations are underway to identify and apprehend those responsible for the assassination attempt.




贴主:N19951225于2023_11_22 7:19:20编辑
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