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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-07-02 1:23 已读 12255 次  



小孩子在一起不能只是唱歌跳舞弹琴的。年纪大的人需要一点适当运动,不能太大动作的。有很深职业背景的人,更喜欢跟同行在一起聊天的,光跳舞唱歌,时间久了,他们会觉得智力上得不到满足,会厌烦的。上次德国奔驰公司和日本丰田公司老板在一起,一言不合就是讲新车型竞争啊!表面上看他们唇枪舌剑的,其实内心里他们是很开心的,因为终于棋逢对手,可以找到般配的人,大聊汽车行业的事情了!又比如苹果和数学,天仙一般的宝莱坞美女在他们面前跳舞,都不心动的,两个人是老对手,刚见面的时候老是互相对抗啊我想现在他们每次都一起来,教 Jackie编程一个刚教完,另一个就插嘴,互相牵挂,成老朋友了。而小孩子有各种爱好,比如体育啊,音乐呀,电脑啊,游戏啊。小孩子能在一起举行一场比赛,或者能够自己动手参与的活动,比如去钓鱼啊,打球啊,BBQ胜过光在一起跳舞,弹琴的。所以孩子多了要分开来组织活动。这次只有日本的爱子带来了日本传统服装,而且大家只试穿, 不给人的。应该专门找一个地方把这些东西展览,让大家来看,而且大家可以亲自进行文化体验,可以穿衣服,也可以动手做传统菜肴。那比较有意思啊。

Children can't just sing and dance and play the piano together. Older people need a bit of proper exercise, but not too much actions. People with deep professional backgrounds prefer to chat with their peers. If they dance and sing for a long time, they will feel mentally unsatisfied and will be bored. Last time German Mercedes-Benz company owner and the Japanese Toyota company boss got together, a word discordant is just start talking about the new car model for competition , ah! On the surface it is their verbal argument. In fact, they are very happy in the heart, because finally they meet opponents, can find a good match, talk about the automobile industry! Also for example, Apple and Math, When fairy-like Bollywood beauty dancing in front of them, they are not moved, at all. The two are old rivals, when they first met, they are always against each other ah. I think now they come together every time, on teaching Jackie programming, one just finished teaching, another just cut in, care about each other, became good friends. And children have a variety of hobbies, such as sports, music, computers, games. Kids can play a game together, or do something by themselves, like go fishing, play ball, or BBQ. It is better than just dancing and playing the piano. So when you have a lot of kids, you have to separate them and organize their activities. This time only Japanese Aiko brought the traditional Japanese costume, and the people who tried it on could not keep the dress. You should find a special place to put these things on display for everyone to see, and people can personally carry out cultural experience, you can wear clothes, you can also start cooking traditional dishes. That would be really fun! 

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