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讲波兰 十

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-07-01 0:15 已读 12179 次  



波兰在能源上很大部分用煤来发电,应该跟俄国合作多建造一些核电站。波兰的道路交通发达,可是高铁只有短短的距离。应该沿波罗的海修建高铁,沿黑海修建高铁,然后欧洲内陆要有高铁的网络,互相连接!不同的经济圈上不同的国家和城市,应该特别设计有优势和特色的产业.波兰可以和俄国和德国联合,发展文化和教育事业波兰和东欧,可以联合发展农业,畜牧业!俄国的医药不发达,那波罗的海国家可不可以联合发展医药产业?波兰的通讯是由法国公司来覆盖的那波罗的海国家东欧国家通讯这一市场,是谁来填补空白呢?欧洲旅游,东欧西欧已经划成不同的旅游圈。可是却没有欧洲东北部,波罗的海的旅游圈。我想,白俄罗斯以及拉脱维亚波兰等可以组成新的旅游圈,我也一定想去看一看。跟俄国一样,波兰因为其高质量的教育,有很多很好的数学和科学技术人才。 在全球化的规划下,很多高科技领域人工智能,等等先进科学技术,都需要有良好数学背景的人才。华为过去几十年的研发,就有好几百个数学家物理学家材料学家工程师,就是因为这些人才的有机的集中,有效的集体努力,才能在5G有所创新。波兰不一定要参加为难华为的行动因为全球化以后,不光是通讯行业,在各种基础领域和先进电子生化等领域,都需要人才,需要把全球的人才汇集起来研发创新的,一定会很器重波兰人才的!简而言之,我想波兰以及东北欧,波罗的海地区,应该有一个长远的规划,波罗的海沿岸国家应该多开放移民,有人才有市场,有人才才能够创新,那将来一定会很繁华的。

Poland uses much of its energy to generate electricity from coal and should co-operate with Russia to build more nuclear power plants. Poland's roads are well-connected, but high-speed trains are only a short distance. High-speed rail should be built along the Baltic Sea, along the Black Sea, and then there should be high-speed rail networks connected to each other inland in Europe! Different countries and cities in different economic circles should design industries with advantages and characteristics. Poland can join forces with Russia and Germany to develop culture and education. Poland and Eastern Europe, can jointly develop agriculture, animal husbandry! If Russia is underdeveloped in medicine, can Baltic states jointly develop the pharmaceutical industry? Polish communications are covered by French companies. Who will fill the gap in the Baltic and Eastern European countries in the market for communications? European tourism, Eastern Europe and Western Europe has been divided into different tourist circles. But there is no tourist circle in the Northeast Europe, nor the Baltic Sea. I think Belarus and Latvia, Poland and so on can form a new tourism circle, and I will certainly want to go. Like Russia, Poland has a lot of good mathematician, science and technology talent because of its high-quality education. Under the planning of Globalization, many high-tech fields of artificial intelligence, such as advanced science and technology, need people with a good mathematical background. Huawei has hundreds of mathematicians, physicists, materials scientists and engineers in research and development in the past few decades. It is because of the organic concentration and effective collective efforts of these talents that they have been able to innovate in 5G. Poland does not have to take part in the effort to embarrass Huawei. Because Globalization, not only in the telecommunications industry, in a variety of basic Scientific fields and advanced electronic biochemistry and other fields, the need for talent, the need to bring together the global talent R & D innovation, will certainly value the Polish talents! In short, I think Poland, as well as northeast Europe and the Baltic region, should have a long-term plan. The Baltic countries should be more open to immigration, have more talent, have bigger markets, and have talents to be able to innovate. That is bound to be prosperous in the future.

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