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讲波兰 九

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-07-01 0:13 已读 12278 次  





波兰也象阿富汗一样,是一个多灾多难的国家,夹在俄国和西欧中间,一直被邻国欺负,被邻国吞噬!波兰有优秀的文化,尤其是在音乐和艺术方面,波兰有优秀的教育传统,在科学技术上名人辈出。Jackie 最喜欢弹,而且最擅长的是萧邦的钢琴曲,萧邦就是波兰人,就是因为俄国佔领波兰,所以才出走,去了欧洲各地。颠沛流离,最后生病英年早逝的。Jackie 小学里有一位班主任就是从波兰来的,数学特别好。波兰人有一种特别的文化风格,既象俄国人又象西欧人。 波兰脱离共产主义阵营之后,跟捷克一样,经济有了很大的发展,是发达国家。而且波兰是波罗的海国家,有出海口。波兰处于非常优越的地理位置,是环波罗的海经济圈上一颗明珠,跟欧洲最大的经济体德国为邻中欧班列是从亚洲通往欧洲的列车,路经俄国,乌克兰黑海北部,由白俄罗斯经过波兰去欧洲的地理中心捷克,所以波兰也联接黑海经济圈!朝南波兰又连接着东欧国家。波兰有广阔的发展前景。


Poland is also like Afghanistan, is a troubled country. It is sandwiched between Russia and Western Europe, has been bullied by neighboring countries, engulfed by neighboring countries! Poland has an excellent culture, especially in music and art, an excellent educational tradition, and many famous people in science and technology. Jackie loved playing most and was good at Chopin's piano music. Chopin was Polish, and it was because of the Russian occupation of Poland that he ran away and went to various parts of Europe. Displaced and eventually fell ill and died prematurely. In Jackie elementary school she has a head teacher, who is from Poland, very good at math. Polish people have a special cultural style that resembles both Russians and Westerners. After Poland left communist camp, like the Czech Republic, its economy developed a lot, and it was a developed country. And Poland is a Baltic state, with sea ports access to the sea. Poland is in a very good geographical location, a pearl in Baltic Sea economic circle, next to Germany, Europe's largest economy. China- Europe express is a train from Asia to Europe, via Russia, Ukraine north of the Black Sea, Belarus through Poland to Europe's geographical center Czech Republic, so Poland is also linked to the Black Sea economic circle! South-facing Poland connects the Eastern European countries. Poland has broad prospects for development.

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