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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-28 0:22 已读 12444 次  



土耳其如果规划会在将来引进各个地方的人才,那就要预先在当地为他们准备所需要的居住环境,文化环境,以及为他们服务的各种设施。我想土耳其可以创立多文化接待人流物流的先进的模式,对这些不同文化背景的人群和建立文化物流中心的有一个标准那以后在不同地区,如果有不同背景的人群来来往往,他们就知道去哪里寻找适合的生活环境,寓所和商场,和去那些有资源的,有权力的部门寻找工作机会,服务和帮助。应该有一些像Y M C A那样的地方,给单身和家庭临时居住,有针对他们语言和文化背景的服务!


If Turkey plans to bring in talent in the future, it will have to prepare in advance the living environment, cultural environment and facilities it needs to serve them locally. I think Turkey can create an advanced model of multicultural reception of people and logistics, and there is a standard for these people of different cultural backgrounds and for the establishment of cultural logistics centers. After that, if people from different backgrounds come and go in different areas, they will know where to look for suitable living conditions, apartments and shopping malls, and go to those departments that have the resources and power to find work opportunities, services, and help. There should be places like Y M C A where singles and families live temporarily with services tailored to their language and cultural backgrounds!

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