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讲阿富汗 六

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-27 0:17 已读 12485 次  







阿富汗有1400多个矿区,包括重晶石,铬铁矿,煤,铜,金,铁矿石,铅,天然气,石油,宝石和半宝石,盐,硫,滑石和锌,以及许多其他矿物。包括优质祖母绿,青金石,红色garnetand红宝石。根据五角大楼和美国地质调查局的一项联合研究,阿富汗估计有3万亿美元的未开采矿物。阿富汗在该国北部有三条铁路线。第一个是在马扎里沙里夫和巴尔赫省边境城镇Hairatan之间,然后与乌兹别克斯坦的乌兹别克斯坦铁路连接 (2011年开放). 第二个链接在赫拉特省的 Torghundi 与土库曼斯坦的土库曼铁路(1960年开放)。第三个位于法里亚布省的Aqina和邻近的土库曼斯坦(2016年开业)之间。该国目前缺乏客运铁路服务,但是从伊拉克赫拉特到哈夫的货运和旅客的新铁路正在建设中,预计2018年完工。阿富汗的铁路网仍处于发展阶段。主要计划是利用阿富汗通过铁路连接亚洲的四个次级大陆。从巴格拉姆到乌兹别克斯坦,从Shindand到土库曼斯坦都有石油管道。用于向阿富汗输送天然气进入巴基斯坦的100亿美元跨阿富汗管道正在向前发展。


Afghanistan has over 1400 mineral fields,containing baritechromitecoalcoppergoldiron oreleadnatural gaspetroleumprecious and semi-precious stonessaltsulfurtalc, and zinc, among many other minerals.Gemstones include high-quality emeraldlapis lazulired garnetand ruby. According to a joint study by The Pentagon and the United States Geological Survey, Afghanistan has an estimated US$3 trillion of untapped minerals.  Afghanistan has three railroad lines in the north of the country. The first is between Mazar-i-Sharif and the border town of Hairatan in Balkh province, which then connects with Uzbek Railways of Uzbekistan (opened 2011). The second links Torghundi in Herat province with Turkmen Railways of Turkmenistan (opened 1960). The third is between Aqina in Faryab province and neighboring Turkmenistan (opened 2016).The country currently lacks a passenger rail service, but a new rail link from Herat to Khaf in Iran for both cargo and passengers is under construction and estimated for completion in 2018.Afghanistan's rail network is still in the developing stage.The main plan is to use Afghanistan to connect by rail the four subcontinents of Asia. There are petroleum pipelines from Bagram into Uzbekistan and Shindand into Turkmenistan. The $10 billion Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline for delivering natural gas across Afghanistan into Pakistan is moving forward.

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