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讲墨西哥 五

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-23 23:25 已读 12792 次  





Mexico has the seventeenth largest oil reserves in the world, and it is the fourth largest oil producer in the Western Hemisphere behind the United States, Canada and Venezuela.  Of the installed electricity capacity, 75% is thermal, 19% hydro, 2% nuclear and 3% renewable other than hydro.  Mexico has a MXN 4.027 trillion retail sector.





Service section includes transportation, commerce, warehousing, restaurant and hotels, arts and entertainment, health, education, financial and banking services, telecommunications as well
 as public administration and defense. Mexico's service sector is strong, and in 2001 replaced Brazil's as the largest service sector in Latin America in dollar terms.  According to the IMF the Mexican banking system is strong, in which private banks are profitable and well-capitalized.Mexico has a single securities market, the Mexican Stock Exchange .  Mexico is an export-oriented economy. It is an important trade power as measured by the value of merchandise traded, and the country with the greatest number of free trade agreements.

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