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讲墨西哥 四

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-23 23:23 已读 12598 次  








Main industries

Aircraft, automobile industry, petrochemicals, cement and construction, textiles, food and beverages, mining, consumer durables, tourism.


墨西哥最重要的工业制造商是汽车行业,其质量标准得到国际认可。墨西哥拥有世界第六大电子产业,仅次于中国,美国,日本,韩国和台湾。墨西哥电子产业以电视,显示器,计算机,移动电话,电路板,半导体的制造和OEM设计为主。平板等离子,液晶和LED电视的设计和制造是墨西哥电子行业中最大的单一部门,占墨西哥电子产品出口收入的25%。墨西哥是全球第三大计算机制造商,其中包括LanixTexaMeeboxSpaceitKyoto等国内公司,以及戴尔,索尼,惠普,宏碁康柏,三星和联想等国外公司在全国各地制造各种类型的计算机。 。墨西哥也是大量国内外OEMODM制造商的所在地。墨西哥电子产业的成功和快速增长主要得益于墨西哥相对较低的制造和设计成本。

Among the most important industrial manufacturers in Mexico is the automotive industry, whose standards of quality are internationally recognized. Mexico has the sixth largest electronics industry in the world after China, United States, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.The Mexican electronics industry is dominated by the manufacture and OEM design of televisions, displays, computers, mobile phones, circuit boards, semiconductors, electronic appliances, communications equipment and LCD modules.The design and manufacture of flat panel plasma, LCD and LED televisions is the single largest sector of the Mexican electronics industry, representing 25% of Mexico's electronics export revenue.  Mexico is the third largest manufacturers of computers in the world with both domestic companies such as Lanix,Texa,Meebox,Spaceit,Kyotoand foreign companies such as Dell, Sony, HP, Acer Compaq, Samsung and Lenovo manufacturing various types of computers across the country. Mexico is also home to a large number of OEM and ODM manufactures both foreign and domestic.  The success and rapid growth of the Mexican electronics sector is driven primarily by the relatively low cost of manufacturing and design in Mexico.

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