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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-23 0:06 已读 8925 次  



盖茨女儿Gates’ daughter

盖茨的大女儿正好也在,她这些天每天教Jackie 生物,Jackie说她是斯坦佛大学毕业,水准很高,又非常聪明,脑子很灵光,每次讲解都是很清楚,一听就懂了。(都是父母老师的心血培养的)她们两个还挺合得来,跟阿联酋的Aliya不一样, Jennifer 不是那么热火朝天地热烈交谈,是一个大姐姐对小妹妹那样,亲切的温柔的,还有激情真好,两个人名字都是J” 打头的,有缘分呢。有个大姐姐做榜样,很多事情Jackie 可以向她请教呢,以后长大可以跟着一起做很多事情Jennifer 也告诉我Jackie 很聪明好学,成绩不差的,那个成绩单是错误的她的数学也是非常好,以后可以教Jackie 排列组合。我也很高兴,叫Jennifer “Pony” , 她挺喜欢,就发给我一张她骑马的照片,好帅气!我想应该给她取个别名记得以前有个电影名字叫“ National velvet” 以后就叫 Jennifer “velvet”. 或者还有一部电影“spirit stallion of the cimarron”, 也可以叫她“spirit “不知道,她喜欢哪一个名字数学说她现在已经在生物医学方面做事了。真有意思我以前也是做过生物医学方面的研究是有关人的前庭系统。我弟弟现在也是做生物医学仪器我的妹夫是研究机器人的。我在想女孩子做研究做工程师挺无聊的现在全球化很多国家和地方的药物应该在一个统一的药物注册管理验证系统下这样很多地方的医学就可以标准化很多药物就可以使全世界通用这是一个大工程但是对全球人类的健康来说挺重要的如果她爸爸愿意投资在医药领域这是一个很不错的既有利润又有好名声,  更有尊严的行业呢!不知道她有没有兴趣。


Gates’ eldest daughter Jennifer happened to be there. She taught Jackie biology every day these days. Jackie said she graduated from Stanford University with a high quality and a very clever brain. Every time Jennifer explained things, it was very clear and understandable, she could understand it right away! The two of them hit it off, unlike Aliya in the United Arab Emirates, Jennifer wasn’t so crazy talkative, like an older sister to a younger sister, kind and gentle, and passionate. It is Really good, two people's names have a "J" to start, there is a connection. Has a big sister to be the example, many matters Jackie may consult with her, in the future she grows up may follow along to do many things. Jennifer also told me that Jackie was smart and good, and that report card was wrong. She is also very good at math and can teach Jackie permutations later. I am also very happy, called Jennifer "Pony", she likes it, sent me a photo of her riding, so cool! I think we should give her a nickname. I remember there was a movie called "National velvet".  It will call Jennifer "velvet" from now on. Or there's a movie called “spirit stallion of the cimarron”, or we can call her “spirit. “ I don't know Which name does she like? Math says she is now working in biomedicine. That's interesting. I've done biomedical research before, and it's about the vestibular system in people. My brother is also a biomedical instrument software engineer. My brother-in-law is a robot researcher. I think it's boring for girls to do research and become engineers. Now, with Globalization, drugs in many countries and places should be subject to a unified drug registration and verification system, so that medicine in many places can be standardized and many drugs can be used all over the world. This is a big system, standardization is a big project. For global human health, it is very important. if her father is willing to invest in the field of medicine, this is a very good both profit and reputation, more dignity of the industry. I wonder if she's interested.

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