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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-21 23:57 已读 6248 次  






I heard that in San Francisco, Google is expanding its campus, and artificial intelligence should be one of the main directions of the next wave of high technology. I think the future Globalization central government, should set new standards, more intelligent and scientific governance, should have young professionals to form management team, and these personnel should be long-term with stability. Political activities, to meet the public psychology, but should also be carefully designed. I think running for campaign every four years like this in the United States is too much, a waste of money. Also a top-level committee where people with experience, competence and expertise can choose their leaders, and they can make their candidacy public and let the world vote online. And given the fixed amount of a leader, not necessarily to fill immediately, a suitable candidate can also be selected when available. One term can be considered for an individual, not to whole group. People do not have to do a full term, under special circumstances can also leave a little earlier. People like Jiang Yiyan can be selected in different industries all over the world. If they have More than a certain amount of their own assets, can pay them no salaries! The central government should Provide more volunteer opportunities around the world. The content of the decision and the progress of the project can be transparent. In short, we hope to use more modern information, automation and intelligent means to do global management.

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