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比较德国和德国 二

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-21 23:53 已读 4332 次  






德国357,386 km282,800,000人,GDP$4,417 trillion,Per capita $54,987. 

Germany is 357386 km2,population 82800000, GDP$4417 trillion,Per capita $54987.



俄国17,125,191 km2146,877,088人,GDP$1.754 trillion, Per capita $12,191. 

Russia 17125191 km2, population 146877088, GDP$1.754 trillion, Per capita $12,191.



Dear Vladimir, 俄国人是维京人的后裔,日耳曼民族跟维京人也是一脉相承。普京大帝说一口流利的德语,跟默克尔沟通一点问题都没有,只要默克尔给你一个眼色,你就立马心领神会。而且不光德国,整个欧盟的冬天天然气供暖都要靠俄国,为啥要比了?不同的布片,有机地缝起来,才能成为一个球面!Dear Vladimir 俄国是整个地球上的一块布,所以如果你作为世界领袖,就是一个手上捧着球的人!是不是应该多想想,怎么样玩球作漂亮的秀,怎么样取长补短互相合作?如果你是世界领袖,你就要多了解,不同国家不同地区,有什么资源,什么样的历史,什么样的文化在全球化的整体规划下,不同地区承担有什么样的功能,有些什么样的项目作为世界领袖,你怎么样去激励当地的民众,怎么样更好地跟他们沟通!最近我看见你好几次邀请有残疾的孩子们做各种活动。你显出了慈悲心,显出了特别爱心。但是大多数人是没有残疾的,比如我没有残疾,可是我人生有困难。Dear Vladimir你对我昨天的短文, 只是轻描淡写的说一声“OK” . 我想作世界领袖真正关怀的,应该是绝大部分正常人如何过正常的生活吧。你是真的想做世界领袖吗?全球有70亿人呢!


The Dear Vladimir, Russians are descended from the Vikings, as are the Germanic peoples. Putin the Great speaks fluent German and has no problems communicating with Merkel. As soon as Merkel gives you a glance, you understand it. And not only Germany, the whole European Union depends on Russia for natural gas heating in winter. Why should it be compared with Russia? Different cloth piece, organized sews, is able to become a spherical surface! Dear Vladimir , Russia is a piece of cloth on the whole planet, so if you are a world leader, you are a man with a globe in your hand! Isn’t it you Should think more, how to play the globe for a beautiful show, how to learn from each other to cooperate? If you are a world leader, you need to know more about different countries, different regions, what kind of resources, what kind of history, what kind of culture. You need to know In the overall planning of Globalization, different regions bear what kind of functions, what kind of projects. As a world leader, how do you motivate the local people, how to better communicate with them! I've seen you a couple of times lately inviting disabled kids to do all sorts of activities. You have shown compassion, you have shown special love. But most people are not disabled, for example, I do not have a disability, but I have difficulties in life. Dear Vladimir, you plainly just said "OK" to my essay yesterday. I think what the world leaders should really care about is how the vast majority of normal people live a normal life. Do you really want to be a world leader? There are 7 billion people in the world!

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