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比较德国和俄国 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-21 23:51 已读 3740 次  



比较德国和俄国 Compare Russia and Germany


Dear Vladimir, 今天你要我比较德国和俄国。问这个问题就像上次苹果问我数学缺什么那样,你是有什么目的,以什么标准来作比较啊?让我怎么写呀?Jackie 告诉我今天你跳舞了,跟美国这边的黄金团队一起跳,兴高采烈跳了一个多小时!什么时候可以亲自过来,面对面跳啊? 首先,德国总理默克尔是个女性,是世界上最有权势的女人,是世界一半人口的从政榜样,Dear Vladimir, 你怎么跟她比呀!上次她来美国,带来德国造的电子钢琴。Jackie 试弹好几支曲子,满脸羡慕地对我说,妈妈,真好听!太好听了!Dear Vladimir, 你有可能来美国见见Jackie 吗?俄国有好的数字钢琴吗?

Dear Vladimir, today you ask me to compare Germany to Russia. Asking this question is like the last time Apple asked me what Math was missing. What was your purpose and what criteria did you use for comparison? How do you want me to write it? Jackie Tell me today you danced with the gold team from America for more than an hour! When can You come in person and dance face to face?  First of all, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a woman, is the world's most powerful woman, is the world's half of the population's political role model, dear Vladimir, how can you compare with her! Last time she came to America, she brought German-made electronic pianos. Jackie tried to play several pieces of music, her face full of envy said to me, “Mom, really good sound! That's great!”  Dear Vladimir, is it possible for you to come to America and meet Jackie? Russia has good digital piano?

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