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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-20 22:12 已读 2080 次  



现在Jackie Gates’的大女儿Jennifer在讲话呢想问她,如果有空,愿不愿意也来跟Jackie一起做主持。Jackie 接下来要考试,还不知道要去哪儿上大学。让我写俄国之行,就像我写普京大帝做世界领袖那样。无论我怎么写,美丽的广大的俄国依旧有自己的风采,上帝早就心里有数为你安排好了光明前程。可是我却两眼一抹黑,一点也看不见我的光明前程啊。我心里很不舒服,挺难过的呀,写不下去了


Now Jackie and Jennifer, the eldest daughter of Gates', are talking. I'd like to ask her if she would like to join Jackie as host if she is free. Jackie has an exam coming up and she doesn't know where to go to college. Let me write about the trip to Russia, just as I wrote about Putin the Great as world leader. No matter how I write, the beautiful vast Russia still has its own unique style, God already knew arrange for you a bright future. But my eyes are blind, and I can't see my bright future at all. My heart is very uncomfortable, quite sad ah, no mood, can not write down nothing!

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