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挑选世界领袖的标准 四

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-19 23:07 已读 1824 次  





对了,我觉得做世界领袖,是为人民服务的事儿。Jackie干了这些年,辛辛苦苦,尽心尽力,是希望全球化能够成功的,是为大家的。我干了这些年,也是这么想,没有报酬。所以领袖们也应该不拿报酬! 不然大家跟着这些领袖怎么过日子?但是做得好要表彰!领袖的任期完了,可以给不同福利,可以是物质的,比如地产股票金钱等等。可以是精神的,我记得圣彼得堡有彼得大帝的雕像,匈牙利首都佩斯的广场上,也有10几个匈牙利历史上赫赫有名的,改变匈牙利历史的领袖人物的青铜雕像。所以我觉得应该挑选地方和方式,为这些促进人类文明发展的领袖们,歌功颂德,建立雕像,拍纪录片和写传记文学,永载史册!


By the way, I think being a world leader is about serving the people. After all these years of hard work and dedication, Jackie is hoping that Globalization will succeed, for all of us. I've worked all these years, and that's also I thought, yet no pay. So leaders should not be paid either! How else would people live with these leaders? But good work is to be praised! When The leader's term of office is over, can give them different benefits, can be material, such as real estate, stocks, money and so on. Can be Spiritually, I remember St. Petersburg with a statue of Peter the Great, the square in Hungary's capital, Perth, there are more than a dozen bronze statues of prominent leaders in Hungarian history who changed Hungarian history. So I think we should choose the place and the way, for these leaders who promote the development of human civilization, eulogize, build statues, make documentaries and write biographical literature, forever recorded in history!

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