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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-19 0:20 已读 1403 次  





我们去埃及,土耳其,看见古老的建筑,清真寺。我们去意大利,西欧,北欧,去看不同时代,各种风格的教堂,城堡和宫廷。洛杉矶的盖蒂艺术中心,Gates在西雅图建立的豪宅,完全是现代化风格。法国大革命彻底摧毁了法国的皇室政权,建立了共和国,而其他的国家有些还保持君主立宪制美国的华盛顿在建国之初,设立的体制就规定,每一个总统的任期不能超过两届,每期四年这种制度,如果对当时世界上绝大多数国家来说,尤其是世袭制的国家来说,是非常不能理解认同的。可是现在越来越多的国家釆用任期制。世界文明在朝前走,制度结构也要与之同步。以前的政治,更主要是为统治阶级服务的,是为了争权夺利的。而随着世界文明的进步,政治越来越向管理和服务转变。政,代表社会和谐治,表示科学管理。于是我在想,新的全球化政治体系,是不是也应该代表文明的发展方向,使用先进科学技术,体现人工智能和数字社会,以及个性化管理和丰富全世界的文化,要有一些不同以往常的开创性比如现在有了先进的通讯技术,那中央政府可以在世界各地有几个完成同样功能的办公室,并且在这基础上又负责区域管理的支部,因为会议文件都可以同步进行和管理,而不一定非要只有一个总部。又比如,现在机器人那么发达,我看中国中央政府开会,几千人坐在那儿一动不动,领导人演讲几小时,讲的都是中文,下面还要做笔记。我觉得完全不必。如果是在室内,应该早点准备好演讲视频,内容可以是文字,可以是图片,也可以是数据图表,有音乐和视频如果是长时间演讲,或者是露天的,完全可以用人形机器人来代替。需要领导人亲自现身的场合,可以在开会演讲之初,做一个简短介绍,或者出席有互动的记者会。演讲内容应该有电子记录,或者预先上传到特定的网页,让听众自己去下载。人们一起来开会,不用亲自去可以通过多项连接的视频会议, 不用那么花几天时间。很多具体讨论内容,都是完全可以在集会事先进行。聚会更应该是有互动,培养情谊或需要亲身表演的。


We went to Egypt, Turkey, saw ancient buildings, mosques. We went to Italy, Western Europe, Northern Europe, to see different times, various styles of churches, castles and palaces. The Getty Center for the arts in Los Angeles, the Bill Gates mansion in Seattle, are all about modernity.  French Revolution destroyed France's royal monarchy and created republics, while others maintained constitutional monarchies. At the beginning of the founding of the United States,  Washington establish the new system, a president can not run more than two terms, each term of four years. This system, when the majority of countries in the world at that time, especially were the hereditary system of countries, it was very difficult for other countries to understand and identify with. But now more and more countries adopt tenure system. As the world civilization moves forward, the institutional structure should also be synchronized with it. In the past, politics was mainly aimed at serving the ruling class and striving for power and wealth. And with the progress of world civilization, politics is changing more and more to management and service. Politics is on behalf of social harmony. Governance means scientific management. So I was thinking, is the new global political system, should it also represent the direction of up to date civilization, the use of advanced science and technology, reflect artificial intelligence and digital society, as well as personalized management and enrich the culture of the world? There has to be something different with the usual groundbreaking. For example, with advanced communications technology, the central government can have several offices around the world that perform the same function, and on this basis, it is also responsible for regional management branches, because the conference, documentation can all be carried out and managed at the same time. It doesn't have to be one headquarters. For another example, now that robots are so developed. I see the central government of China holding a meeting, with thousands of people sitting there motionless, and the leaders speaking for hours, all in Chinese, with notes to be taken by each one. I don't think so at all. If you are indoors, you should prepare a video of your speech early. It can be text, pictures, data charts, music, or video clip. If it is a long speech, or open air, the presentation can be replaced by humanoid robots. Leaders can make a brief presentation at the beginning of a speech , or attend an interactive press conference. The content should be recorded electronically or uploaded to a specific web page in advance, spreading copies at the meeting, so that the audience can download it themselves. People have meetings together and don't have to go in person. Just Via a video conference, with multiple connections, no need for a few days conference. Many specific discussions can be held in advance of the meeting. Parties are supposed to be interactive, to cultivate friendship and to perform in person.

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