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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-18 0:28 已读 1496 次  




Dear Vladimir, 今天你还要我继续讲,如果你是世界领袖来统治世界的光明远景!好啊!我知道你就是想让我keep active, keep crazy! 那我这次就疯狂一下。

Dear Vladimir, you want me to continue talking today the bright future if you are the world leader to rule of the world! Yes! I know you just want me to keep active, keep crazy!  OK, Then I'll go crazy this time.


 Jackie 一直很爱说话,而且口齿清楚。每次带她出去餐馆吃饭,她在边上呱呱不停地找人说话。 她一天天长大,越来越伶牙俐齿的,能言善辩,我有时候还讲不过她呢!美国这边小学里的事儿,我不去管它我知道她在学校里卖画,很受欢迎,很多孩子都认识她,喜欢她小学高年级,学校里会有一些政治活动了,五年级的时候,学校里贴出很多广告,让大家踊跃做学生会长的候选人。我想这跟Jackie 也没什么关系因为她是亚洲人本来人数不多所以也没去报名不参加政治。结果他们全校八百多个学生一百多个老师,他们这一年级有120多人,居然有近70个孩子报了名。那天放学的时候,Jackie坐在车里边小心翼翼忐忑不安欲言又止的。最后慢吞吞地告诉我 “妈妈今天开全校大会了。” 那天全校在广场上开大会,五年级每个候选人孩子轮流出场,作竞选演说然后让大家选出学生会主席和学生会会员。 哦,那怎么样了呢?” “我当选了学生会主席,并列主席。” 啊?我是不是听错了,不由自主踩了一下紧急刹车,两人身体都晃了一下,这怎么可能?什么?怎么回事?” 原来Jackie没有报名做候选人,也许因为她口齿伶俐善于讲话,校长挑了她,做竞选演讲的开场介绍。因为我不知道,所以没有为她特别打扮,而且早上还喝了牛奶。好啦,在台上,面对学校几百个学生和老师,还有一大堆的家长,她介绍学校讲到一半,肚子跟她开个大玩笑,她忍不住在台上放了个大响屁!她没受过训练,不知道怎么控制,而且那个声音通过麦克风放大,有着频率变换的宛转,音量变换的优雅。结果整个操场一片欢腾,所有人先睁大嘴巴,接着就全忍不住,哈哈哈哈大笑啊。后来发生了什么她跟我都不知道,反正她被老师们一致推认,做了学生会的并列会长。然后她很局促不安地,很无辜地拼命向我解释 妈妈,我不是故意的,我在台上忍不住 ...” 我也忍不住啊,哈哈哈哈。我们家小Jackie 有特殊本领,居然当上学生会主席。Dear Vladimir, 你看,只要有影响力,并列也是可以的呀。

Jackie has always been talkative and articulate. Every time I took her out to a restaurant, she croaked on the side looking for someone to talk to. As she grew older, she became more and more eloquent and talkative, and I sometimes failed to debate with her. I didn't care much what happens in her elementary schools here in the United States. I knew she sells pictures at school and is very popular. Many children knew and liked her. In the senior year of primary school, there would be some political activities in the school. In the fifth grade, many advertisements were posted in the school, letting everyone enthusiastically become the candidate of the student president. I thought this has nothing to do with Jackie, because she is an Asian, originally small number, so she did not sign up, did not participate in politics. As a result, they had more than 800 students and more than 100 teachers in the whole school, and There were more than 120 students in their grade, and even nearly 70 children had signed up. When I was picking her up that day, Jackie was sitting next in the car, cautious and nervous, trying but to stop talking. Finally, she slowly told me, "Mom , we had the whole school meeting today." On that day, the whole school held a general meeting in the play ground, and each fifth-grade candidate's children took turns to make campaign speeches. Then they let everyone elect the president of the student union and the student members. "Oh, what about that?" "I was elected president of the student union, co-president ." Huh? ” Did I hear wrong, involuntarily just an emergency brake, the two bodies were shaking for a while, how was this possible? "What? What's the matter? " It turned out that Jackie had not signed up to be a candidate, perhaps because she was articulate enough to be picked up by the principal for giving an school introduction speech. Because I didn't know, I didn't dress her up for the situation, and She drank milk in the morning. Well, on the stage, in front of hundreds of students and teachers in the school, as well as a large number of parents, when half way she introduced the school, her stomach played a big joke on her, she could not help but put a loud fart on the stage. She was untrained, she didn't know how to control it, and the sound was amplified through the microphone, with the frequency shift, the volume shift, the surprising effect. As a result, the whole playground was full of jubilation. Everyone opened their mouths first, and then they could not help it laughing. They laughed and laughed, loud. What happened later, she and I did not know. Anyway, she was unanimously recognized by the teachers, as the co-president of the student union. Then, awkwardly and innocently, she was so embarrassed tried to explain to me, "Mom, I didn't mean to, I couldn't help it on stage." I can't help it, huh. Our little Jackie has a special ability to become president of the student union. Dear Vladimir, you see, as long as there is an powerful influence, juxtaposition is also OK.

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