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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-18 0:25 已读 1427 次  




Jan 15, 2019.  at 10:43 PM


Dear Vladimir :




英国脱欧  Brixt


我刚刚从新闻中看到,英国要从脱欧中转身我在想这是不是跟我们伟大的英国女王和两个王孙来美国的旅游有关!全球化了欧盟将是全球网的一部分英国又是欧洲大陆的近邻英国皇家可以随心所欲到欧洲各地世界各地旅游。英国脱欧孤零零一个岛国有什么好处以前欧盟在 2004 年刚刚酝酿产生的时候把设计好的完美方案去征求各国的同意结果遭到法国和荷兰民众的反对!为什么因为当时他们宣传不够民众不了解欧盟具体内容和带来的好处由于历史的惯性当然不愿意加入欧盟。2009年终于在大规模的宣传深入人心之后欧盟成立了这次英国脱欧是不是也同样情形啊现在全球化感觉到宣传也是很不够的呀只有过去这一个月才有比较多的最顶层世界领导人到洛杉矶来聚会还没有正式的聚会场所中俄都还没来呢!

I've just seen on the news that Britain is going to turn around from Brexit. I wonder if this has something to do with our great Queen of England and her two grandsons coming to the United States recently! Globalization, the European Union is a part of the global network, the United Kingdom is a close neighbor of the European continent, the British Royal can go to all parts of Europe, the world to travel. What are the benefits of Brexit, a lone island state? Before , European Union in 2004 was just proposed . In the past, when the EU was just brewing in 2004, it designed the perfect solution to seek the consent of all countries.  French and Dutch people were against the results! Why? Because they were not well publicized at the time, the public did not understand the specific content and benefits of the EU. Due to the inertia of history, of course, they are not willing to join EU. In 2009, after the large-scale publicity was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,  EU was established. Is this the same situation in the Brexit? Now Globalization, I feel that publicity is not enough. Only in the past month,   comparatively more top world leaders have come to Los Angeles to meet Jackie, there is no formal meeting place. China and Russia have not come yet!

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