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普京做世界领袖 三

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-17 0:26 已读 1431 次  




Dear Vladimir, 我们看不见你,不清楚是不是真的就是你。可是你每天,天天在那儿,就在我们的生活里。Jackie 有空会跟你讲话,看你跳舞。每天你出题目,让Jackie 要我写短文每次我问她功课做怎么样,她就来追问我“ 普京要你写的短文如何啦?”  “在写啊!” Dear Vladimir 因为你的要求,让我活着,让我忙着,让我动脑筋,给我人生价值,让我觉得生活有希望有意义!你就像所有的神,基督,安拉,四面佛,灶王爷的综合体,高高的在天上,一直在天上!我给你写短文,就是每天向神祷告的意思,就是希望你能够把我的意思转达给上天,希望你,上天的神,能够永远,长久,保佑我们平平安安。Dear Vladimir 你什么时候可以下凡走一走,见见Jackie? 到现在,所有Jackie见到的领袖们,精英们,我都见不到。Dear Vladimir你下凡来见我,就可以帮帮我,让我有能力带Jackie去看世界。

Dear Vladimir, We can't see you. We don't know if it's really you. But you're there every day, day by day, in our lives. Jackie would talk to you sometimes and watch you dance. You Ask Jackie to ask me write a short essay every day. Every time I ask her how she's doing with her homework, she comes to me and asks "how is your Vladimir's recommendation doing?" "Going!" Dear Vladimir because of your request, keep me alive, keep me active, let me use my brain, give me the value of life, let me feel that life has hope and meaning! Only No rewards! You are like a combination of all the gods, Christ, Allah, the four-face Buddhas, the Kitchen Lord, high in heaven, always in heaven! I write a short passage for you to pray to God every day. I hope you can convey my meaning to heaven. I hope that you, the God of heaven, can always, forever, bless us with peace and security. I hope that you, the God, will always be able to keep us safe for a long time to come. Dear Vladimir, when can you walk down here and meet Jackie? Up to now, I haven't seen any of the leaders or elites that Jackie has met. Dear Vladimir you came down here to see me, you can help me, support me, let me have the ability to take Jackie to see the world.

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