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土耳其经济 十二

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-16 1:59 已读 1401 次  



土耳其还有航空航天工业,这个世界上有几个飞机制造厂,美国的波音,欧洲的空客,现在有中国上海的飞机制造,我想在中东地区可以选土耳其,中亚的哈萨克斯坦。当然还有很多小飞机制造厂。大家也可以综合资源,根据不同的 市场规模和需求,来生产飞机设计新型的飞机。现在卫星通讯覆盖率高的是欧美地区。那对于中东和南亚,东南亚以及非洲地区是不是也应该有卫星通讯的需求,以及卫星服务的需求。土耳其作为中东地区的一个定点可以有各种的发展前景。可不可以移到阿拉伯半岛?  土耳其有很发达的电器产业。我觉得全世界应该也把这个产业综合一下,把投资集合起来,看哪个地区人口超过一定数目,就应该在当地设厂生产电器。比如,土耳其,埃及,印度,中国,东南亚,非洲,等就像无线网络的基站一样,每一个分布点覆盖一定的地区的市场,如果污染大,要移到远离城市的人口稀少的地方,或者干脆就从远方进口。


Turkey also has an aerospace industry, there are several aircraft manufacturers in the world, Boeing in the United States, Airbus in Europe, and now there is aircraft manufacturing in Shanghai, China, and I think in the Middle East, you can choose Turkey, Kazakhstan in Central Asia. Of course, there are many small aircraft manufacturers. You can also integrate resources, according to the different market size and demand, to produce aircraft , design new aircraft. At present, the coverage rate of satellite communication is high in Europe and the United States. Should there also be demand for satellite communications and satellite services in the Middle East and South Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa? Turkey, as a fixed point in the Middle East, can have various prospects for development. Is it possible to move this industry to the Arabian Peninsula?  Turkey has a very developed electronic industry. I think the whole world should also integrate this industry and pull investment to see which area has a population exceeding a certain number, and it should set up factories there to produce electrical appliances. For example, Turkey, Egypt, India, China, Southeast Asia, Africa, etc. Like a base station on a wireless network, each location covers an area of the market. If pollution is high, move to a sparsely populated area far from the city, or simply import it from afar.

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