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土耳其经济 十

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-16 1:56 已读 1418 次  



在基础设施上,土耳其才开始兴建高铁网,我想从欧洲到亚洲非洲的主要高速铁路干线,一条由黑海上端从俄罗斯进入中亚。另外经过土耳其,一条沿地中海南下,另一条沿着两河流域进伊拉克伊朗.在土耳其境内和当地的高铁网相连。环黑海应该有高铁网,中东也有自己的高铁网,如何设计,应该在洲际主干道确定下,再扩展分支网络.  土耳其的公路系统比较发达,而且有比较高素质的强大的建筑工程队。所以在开发黑海经济圈,地中海,中东经济带,土耳其波斯湾经济带时,应该有很大的发展潜力。

In terms of infrastructure, Turkey is just beginning to build a high-speed rail network. and I think the main high-speed rail link from Europe to Asia and Africa, one line from the top of the Black Sea through Russia to Central Asia. Another via Turkey, one branch goes south of the Mediterranean and the other into Iraq and Iran along the two rivers. It can be connected to the local high-speed rail network in Turkey. The Black Sea should have a high-speed rail network, the Middle East has its own high-speed rail network. how to design? It should be determined in the intercontinental main trunk road, and then expand the branch networks.  Turkey's road system is relatively well developed and has a relatively high quality and strong construction team. Therefore, in the development of the Black Sea Economic Circle, the Mediterranean, the Middle East Economic Zone, Turkey's Persian Gulf Economic Zone, there should be great potential for development.


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